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Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28, 2008

           How’s your Hungarian? Good? Then read this label. I did an easy call-out this morning with one of my favorite students. He says computers are so complicated, but the fact is he is at the stage of doing complicated things. He donated this jar of apricot brandy, which Wallace and I found goes great with fresh coffee. The computer trouble was spyware. Those of you adequately protecting your computers may have noticed that Spybot went from 160,000 to 278,000 infections around a month back. (The rest of you haven’t learned enough.)
           The culprit is named virtumonde.sci and its 100,000 mutations. That makes it a major outbreak but the good news is only a dozen or so varieties will hit your computer at any given time. In two months, it will be history again. For a while. As long as the US government does not act against them, these intrusions will survive. Like viruses, until the government goes after the people paying the money rather than those making it, we are stuck with the attendant evils.
           The comfort level of this place means Sunday at home. I did stop at the book store on the way back, the Barn near Aventura. The place was packed. Since I don’t usually buy books, I customarily have a coffee and cookie. Today some trendy jerk was tying up the lineup so long, I just sat down and read for free. Of course, the minimum wage clerks play along with the idiot. They get paid by the hour. Oh, how I hate people that drag along at the cashier.
           Most of the day was here, so no spectacular news. Other than a big breakfast of buckwheat pancakes (I’m getting okay with the new frying pan), we snacked all day. This reminds me there was a fight at Jimbo’s last night. These happen in the very best of places. I recalled that meeting between Churchill and Stalin, where the statement was made, “Go away mad, but don’t go away hungry”. There was a ton of food at the party last night. I thought, “Go away with a black eye, but don’t go away hungry.”
           Eric was over, looking distraught. His cat got out again. This time I could assure him to wait Holly out. A cat and a food dish are a matching set. Who knows, one day he’ll notice how I let Pudding-Tat out anytime she wants. Later, he came by to say thanks, the cat had returned. He wanted us to bring the cat back if we found it. Ha, try that. A cat can tell from ten feet away when you want to catch her.
           Wallace wanted to go to the Hard Rock. I passed. It can be an okay place on Saturday. I’ve learned the pleasure of not going, so he and his lady friend took off. In the pouring rain. Besides, I’ve got my elbow bandaged up to restrict movement. Lots of incidentals took place over this weekend, such as more signs at the shop and a strange squeaking noise in the car. But unless somebody asks for more, that’s it for today.