We’re busy, not rich. September was a disaster this year. But hey, compared to all the jackasses losing their houses and those 85 million people who don’t yet realize they are going to lose theirs, we are okay. That seems cruel, calling a huge chunk of the population down, but listen, they are only getting what they bargained for. One of the expressions they used for decades used to grind on me, “Do the math.” Well, they drove prices up buying from each other, now let’s see them sell to each other.
My big concern today was the video computer. There are a series of difficult problems, the net of which stops me from practicing my music. The situation is worsened by my “karaoke” experience last Saturday. Be prepared for some reports on nothing else. I have to follow up and if I fail, it will not be from lack of research. You already know that. I will certainly get back to you with plenty of information about the technical side of karaoke.
First, that video computer. We stripped it to the skeleton. On the shop computers I use drives of 20 GB or less. This deliberate restriction is to prevent abuse, particularly from AOL and IM users who don’t comprehend they are messing the system up for the next guy. It turns out that while XP requires 3.5 GB, the newest hacks (which contain amazing) features gobble well over 10 GB. I planned out the entire conversion for tomorrow.
Also, with the remainder of the day, I looked at the whole karaoke business from the aspect of a technician. I have several hundred pounds of unanswered questions. I will, if you return, supply you with as best an explanation as I can. For example, why is it that karaoke is dominated by middle-aged housewives who are above average vocalists? Why do the karaoke acts [have to] haul in at least twice the gear I need? I don’t know. Let me continue asking questions.
What is the trick to having the lyrics show up on a small TV? How much does the karaoke equipment cost? Why does it take so long between songs? Why does the DJ always have to ask, “Who’s next”. Most of all, why do they seem to haul around those laser disks when I know I have heard good results from ordinary CD-Rs? Karaoke Ron had to use a handcart to get his gear in place. As usual, I don’t expect any real help but if you return soon, I’ll tell you what I’ve discovered.
I made a boo-boo. I’ve already told you about the fast popularity of “Spiders and Snakes”. I underestimated the way that tune has become synonymous with Jimbo’s. It is THE theme song. The regulars request it too often wherefore I ignore them so as not to bore the staff. It seems a lady kept putting dollars in the tip jar last weekend, requesting the song. But I could not hear her and just nodded my thanks. This is justification that if I do any karaoke, I cannot allow it to command my total attention on stage as happens now playing live. I swear, I saw her but never knew what she wanted. Then I got told.
To end on a happier thought, all the new vinyl signs survived the monsoon weather we’ve had for days on end.