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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008

           The fig tree is no more. I now have around 150 pounds of logs if you need any. On purpose, I took no before pictures, here is the after picture. Don’t want no tree-huggers. The fact is, the tree was too close to our wall, provided no shade for us, and the branches (up to twenty feet long) were hanging dangerously over the neighbor’s roofs, tool shed and awnings.
           What you see here is the stump too thick to cut with my power saw. See the wagon with a sheet of plywood on top? In the background you can see a small pile of the leaves and branches cut down. The big pile is eight feet high and fills the entire walkway. It would have cost us serious money if any of that had damaged the adjacent property. If I’d crawled up high enough to examine this, I would have cut that tree down months ago. Well, maybe not. It was a dusty, sweaty job that took two hours.
           This brings new focus to the spare bedroom. Much as I like the place as it is, that is a very rentable piece of real estate. If that second shower was connected we’d be living for free by now. Considering the prices that others want for sharing a place in this town (up to $1,000) it is also a bargain. They would have to park on the adjacent street. Still, compared to how far I used to walk to the elevator of my apartment, this is nothing.
           The real value added would be that second shower. JP is just too far away to be effective. This means a local plumber is the best option. Chances are one could be contracted at a real bargain but even so, there is no spare money at this point. I’ve stepped up advertising and there are new faces in the shop almost every day now. What I can’t figure out is how the other shops are still in business, since they don’t have anything like the mutual support we can muster.
           Home ownership is not all a blessing. Even with the patrol cat on duty 24/7, something died in the crawl space. Wallace notices nothing. I can tell it is a mouse or the like. I pulled out the fridge, stove and eight drawers. Nothing. It is a minor thing and I will look further tomorrow. Meanwhile, the weather is getting perfect and we went for an early coffee at the Panera with Millie-Belle. Where I trounced Wallace in a crib game due to a series of 12-14 hands in a row.
           I may have finally found a recording of “Party Till The Money Runs Out”. It is also an old New Orleans expression, which makes Internet searches very difficult. Right now it will only play on one computer thanks to a weird format called “spb”. It is downright strange that a piece of music could be so obscure. I first heard of it around four years ago when the Hippie said the title. I want it for a break song [the music I play just before I take a break].
           Later. Finally, I got the piece of music to both download and decode. It has been 18 months looking off and on. Using ordinary “Sound Capture”, I was able to stream a playback from a site called “Archives” and I now have a high quality MP3. It is strange to me how that or any music could be rare in the days of the Internet. That’s like a library with a rare book section. Rare, my eye. If it really was, they wouldn’t let you touch it.