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Friday, October 24, 2008

October 24, 2008

           Ever wonder how much a Glock costs? About twice as much as you’d expect. [Glock, the real but plastic handgun that doesn't set of airport metal detectors.] Today’s picture is from the Pro Bass shop on I-95. That’s the other kind of bass, rhymes with “gas”. I was going to the fishing museum across the way, but in Florida fashion, until you drive over town, park and walk up to the door, you don’t see the sign that says “private party”. So I thought I’d go to the outdoor place because they have trailer lights. For boat trailers.
           Wow, is that one impressive store. It is huge, taking nearly two hours to browse. Inside there are waterfalls, fishing boats, all-terrain vehicles and a complete arcade shooting gallery. The prices are not bad, either. Sleeping bags, lamps, outdoor grills, bait, rifles, archery gear and at least 6,000 pairs of footware on display. And the Glocks.
           Again, I cannot avoid mentioning the lack of “bustle” in the area. Rush hour or not, I drove there and back unimpeded. This is normally a busy time of year right up to Christmas. Empty streets, empty stores. There was not even a crowd at the club, so I did not perform this evening. The usual people, the dart club, have moved to the championships and are out elsewhere two or three nights a week, so even that business has dried up. Next weekend is the Halloween Bash, I’ll have to get some costume stuff.
           Speaking of costumes, I still have to make up a script for my newest spy movie, starring Agent 68.5, Miss Pfennigless, Major Kotax and whoever is inadvertently passing by. We need a new title, since “The Sea Cook” has already been taken. These “movies” are a challenge in that all sets and special effects must be accomplished by what is already present in the house. Technically, that means my last production, “You Can Hear The Hoofbeats Pound” does not qualify, since it was taped at Pennekamp Park. What, you didn’t know I was an amateur movie maker? I’ll have you know, I am very amateur.
           The storyboarding is done, the sounds are from the Yamaha keyboard, and I may lay down a piano/drum track so Arnel and I can compose some original music. If you return within the week, I’ll publish a picture of the world’s tiniest production studio. The thing that strikes most people about my movies is that nothing is real. It necessarily can’t be because I have no budget. My favourite faked scene is “the fancy restaurant”. It is right here in this living room.
           Trivia. Years ago I published an article about the difference between European and non-European fairy tales. Where our heroes save the princess, the African and Asian heroes are the ones who got away with stealing or the like. I am not saying this is wrong, but it is a profound cultural difference. Well, in China, cybercrime is the ideal occupation. It is not illegal, it is beyond the reach of our laws and the top people are worshipped as near-gods. The trivia is that one schoolchild in three in China wants to grow up to be a cybercriminal. And we invented the methods they will be using.