I took on that horrid fig tree on the southeast corner. I’ve reduced it to stump as best I can without a chainsaw. It just keeps coming back. I left a wheelbarrow load of clippings in the front and went to buy bread. When I returned, the neighbor across, between Carlos and Eric, had emptied the load and walked the barrow back to the patio. That was totally nice. This is a picture of the expensive window film (to replace the accidentally repeated but always thrilling wheelbarrow jpeg formerly here).

Did I mention a friend of Arnel’s called about renting a room. I described it to him but something isn’t adding up. He is an upholsterer and wanted a discount because the room was too far from where he worked. Also, I think he wants secure parking because his car door lock has been broken for several months. Without too much ado, I think he’d be better off renting an efficiency.
It is a comfortable 64 degrees by evening. It was warm today, so in the afternoon I watched TV. Aladdin was on the Disney channel, if you don’t mind predictable plots. You should also be okay with big band music scores that are far too obviously aimed at the crowd who like big band music scores. I’m turned off by most movie theme music. Manufactured for the cause.
Today’s research was the Hippie’s suggestions on “new” rock and roll. To me that is on a par with new waltzes, gavottes or a stick on a hollow log. Trust me, it’s all been done, novelty aside. He told that his students have changed what they want to learn, that their heroes are more recent, as in Nirvana. Even the Stone Temple Pilots are getting old. So I listened to twenty of the tops tunes by those people. I’ll learn it and play it but the magic is gone, it is fantastic but it is not rock and roll as I knew it.
It will take longer before I find some favorites in there. All of it sounds like listening to a jam by some band hooked on “Smoke On The Water”. Sooner or later every lick in history gets strung together. It still leaves you waiting for a single original hook. Of what’s there, the best is “Interstate Love Song”, very reminiscent of Creedence Clearwater when they tried to get heavy.
There is a record Ponzi scheme on the stock market. I don’t know the details but I heard the figure of $50 billion. All I can say is “good”! Whoever you are, I hope you took them for every last penny they had. You must have had a stock or investment that went up every year and anybody dumb enough to fall for that deserves to lose their shirts. That much money puts you in with retirement funds, billionaires and the so-called “sophisticated” players. Really, I hope you peeled them clean. Given the opportunity, I would do the same thing in an instant. I view the whole mess as another manifestation of what I told you all was coming fifteen years ago.
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