Keep in mind it could be some engineer’s brand of humor, but guess what today’s picture is all about. It is not a casket in the bushes. I could have found dozens of different shapes but this is a cover for outdoor utility pipes. There is an upscale gymnasium in the building and people walking out, it seems, would rather see this object than whatever it is covering up. We won’t get buried in the details.

Myself, I love anonymity. If I had the chance to scam the public for $50 billion like this Madoff just did, not only would I do it, they would have no idea even who to go looking for. Anonymity gives you the option to decide for yourself what is right or wrong in a given situation. My personal estimate is 99% of the unsolved “crimes” are not due to lack of evidence, but to lack of identity. It is impossible to be sued by somebody who doesn’t know your real name. Think about it, and yes, I would feel differently if the system was fair. But as it is, rich men don’t go to jail. OJ doesn’t count, he’s plain stupid.
Nine hours on that call out y’day. It was one of those deals where I was not going to give in. That was the same repair that I met the two senior ATT techs, one of whom programmed guidance systems on Trident missiles. The fact that the White House still exists speaks wonders for the self-control of that generation. Long repairs exhaust me these days, so I spent the evening with a good book and Pudding-Tat. Her behavior has changed since Millie-Belle left. She takes over the north end of Forest Wally, sunning on top of the pillars. Alas, no birds come around any more.
What kind of name is Pudding-Tat? Actually, it kind of evolved after she was a couple months old. She is not named after any secretary generals of the UN. Actually, I should not say there are no birds. The ones in evidence are simply larger than the cat. They hog the available birdseed in the forest. Another batch of flowers, this time bright pink, blue and yellow, are blooming up. I see that they are tame flowers that have reverted to a natural state and are growing long stems in competition for sunlight. That whole area needs thinning.
I may soon, for the first time in my life, have a guaranteed income. Maybe now is the time to address the dozens of misconceptions out there about my plan to document any lifestyle or attitude changes I experience. Listen to me, I am not going to be rich, I am merely going to have a steady income. I’ve lived long enough to know myself and any changes that occur. This is not a put-down to those who’ve always had free money. Rather, it is to see if I become like them.
It has nothing to do with maximum income and I’m not conducting a bragging contest. I don’t care how much anyone made at the peak of their career, I’ll bet my life total is larger and that is what counts, like it or not. My point is, I’ve noticed people who have steady unearned income have different mental attitudes than those who do not. These are not “wrong” attitudes, but they are indeed different. Consider one example.
I have always considered learning new things to be an important factor. But persons I know with the easy money do not seem to like learning new things. Particularly if that new thing makes other parts of their existence seem “awkward”, or brings their position on life issues into question. Learning requires effort. Why should they bother to learn how life really works? Or to change any notions they’ve held since college? Or to develop a mature attitude toward society? The steady money comes in whether they learn or not, so why learn? I am merely going to measure how strong such forces act on me.
The way it is now, if I discover I’m doing something wrong, I have no choice but to change it. No matter what. But when the free money comes in, I don’t even have to admit anything, I can become completely bull-headed. I could set about inventing circular arguments to justify anything. We all know such people. The question is: will I become one?
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