JZ called to remind me that Xmas eve is the family dinner again. Alas, I can’t be two places at once, so I have to decline the invite to Peggy’s dinner. That’s JZ standing outside a restaurant in Sunset Place. It’s a touristy area on Dixie Hwy and 72nd street. I’m going to help set up the Xmas tables tomorrow, so we are planning to hang out at Sunset if it gets too hot. I missed Allaine’s birthday party this year. Then, she usually phones to remind me.

My favorites are the ones who use that credit card chargeback apparatus, because they have to give the card people a reason. It is better than live comedy the way some of them try to pretend they know what they are talking about. “Memory configured wrong.” “Made hard drive slower.” “Deleted my important files.”
Stand back, I get to deliver a lecture here. Listen to me people. Data recovery is not the same thing as data backup. You are the one responsible for the backups, not us. We recover exactly what is recoverable, nothing more or less. We don’t know or care which of your files are important. That is your job. Furthermore, we don’t install your programs back on the drive, we clone back whatever you had there before. So don’t try to tell us we installed it wrong. If you want programs installed, bring in the original disks, I’ll do it for $40 each. If the disks aren’t OEM, I’ll do it for $80 each.
That’s just for the install. No, I am not going to walk you through afterward and try to recreate all the options you configured over the last three years. My favorite? The button that capitalizes the first word of every sentence. What does that tell the world about your education level?
You really don’t have a clue. Mind you, there is one common situation, but it is still the result of consumer ignorance, so no you do not get your money back. It goes like so: you get a virus, it corrupts your data files. Your program can’t read your data. You bring the computer in. We remove the virus--but we cannot repair your corrupted files you dumb ass, nor did we EVER tell you we could. You get the computer back. Sure enough, your program still can’t read your data. Because it is still corrupted, bozo. But the virus is gone and you owe us the money. Next time listen to your mother when she says save money, look both ways before crossing and make your damn backup copies, Einstein.
Research shows that a hanging birdhouse will still attract nesters if it is high enough to discourage house cats. We can do that. So I tested my miter saw. Dang, there has to be such a thing as a 9” blade. There were not any in stock last time I looked. I’ll make another attempt on Monday. I want to get the blade and practice cutting scrap several hours a day until I can make a small box in no time.
Alpo. Pudding-Tat likes it. Particularly anything that says “in rich gravy”. What do you suppose they put in it, I say she really likes it. I’m munching on some chocolates from a company called “Manischewitz” whose logo states since 1888. Never heard of them. That date is certainly before they invented those “tear here” strips that never completely open the package like they are supposed to. A taste test tells us the chocolates also were from the same time period.
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