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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 2008

           I’m the first to admit this is not the most exciting photo. Nor was it an exciting day. That’s the south parking lot of the casino. You note they’ve got some vans parked and they also let the police store their surplus cruisers just off to the right. Great security and very quiet! Squint and you will see the 18” concrete wall in the foreground, this raises the casino parking well off sea level and is enough to assure against all but the worst flooding. You can see the area being dug up, the grey sandy patch. This gave me the worries a week or so back, but it really is just new electrical conduits.
           JP crashed overnight in the spare bedroom. He was captivated by Jo over at Jimbo’s and we got in a little too late for him to drive the 33 miles home. He is impressed by the size of this place, which is close to three times the area of his efficiency. This is not a trailer, it is a pre-fab home and in that sense it is too large for one person at over 2,000 square feet, I think. Nobody has crawled through the bushes to take exact measurements. All who enter remark on the sheer living space.
           The great mothball mystery continued until this morning. Nobody could have guessed. It was not my clothes, at least not directly. The other day when my car conked out I chastised myself for not having the spare bicycle in the back. Walking the two miles gave me time to ponder that mistake. The reason for no bike was that the key had broken off in the lock and I had been intending to purchase a new one. I found a sturdy cable lock at K-Mart.
           This lock had a plastic shield around the cable and at one end a black rubber molding. It fell off the first day and I inattentively put it in my money pocket. This tiny object smelled of mothballs. Each time I reached in for money my fingertips would pick up a whiff of mothballs. Ain’t that the darndest thing?
           The plan for tonight was to see “Valkyrie”, a movie about the assassination attempt on Hitler in late WWII. Arriving 40 minutes early did no good, the theatre was packed full. I have a courtesy ticket for next week in Aventura. It looks like a super blockbuster. Stupnagel, what’s the name of the guy with the bomb. No doubt it is a great role although I am curious what angle they use to turn it into a full-length movie. Around 100 latecomers (I had stopped for a coffee on the way) were turned away at the gate. The age of the lineup was thirty years more than average.
           An hour’s probe of the on-line classifieds shows there is not much out there by way of part-time work. Add that to the Florida perception that part-time smacks of low-class so a lot of it is demeaning. I was looking to help out with payroll, which I can do in my sleep and it normally takes two days a week. I see that the Internet is no better than newspapers for weeding out fake job offers and work-at-home scams. Shame on them.