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Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

           “Good morning, this is your captain speaking. We will be flying at an altitude of zero feet.” Am I joking, or do I know somebody who pilots an airboat? Yes, but first, here is a receipt from the Savannah Candy Kitchen, GA. I would have toured the whole downtown if Greyhound had been honest and told us up front the connecting bus was going to be two hours late. Instead, I got a ten minute coffee break at this establishment, a real treat. Wallace called and reminded me of (the time he visited) North Carolina. Good news, he should be in Florida within a couple of weeks.
           Many years back, he was in Charleston and saw all the old mansions. I didn’t see much, but I was impressed by what I saw. Depending on how things go, I would love to tour such places in some detail, as in bike up and down every street in town. Wallace is feeling chipper.
           Pudding-Tat is back in the news. I told you that cat was smart and now she amazes again. I took a while to catch on but that cat acts differently when I cook chicken soup. Do not confuse this with how cats instinctually rub up when it is feeding time. She does this exclusively with chicken soup, not any other preparation of chicken or any other product. I have taken into consideration that cats have superior senses, but that would apply to food period, not just chicken soup. Nor is chicken her favorite, so it must be the aroma. If this is common with cats, I was unaware of it. (I make chicken soup twice a week, it just took me three years to notice the pattern.)
           It’s a good thing you like to read, for I have news from long lost people. When this happens, I’m reminded of “Doonesbury”, the comic strip. If you skip a single day, you forget one of the 35 characters. In reality, the number of people mentioned in this blog is not up to me, rather the physical limit of what I can type. It is more up to people than me how often they get mentioned. Did you know that?
           Who should waltz into the shop today but Cowboy Mike. Disappearing over five months ago, he has been driving a tourist airboat ride in the Everglades. Eleven hours a day for $7.21 per hour (Florida minimum wage) plus tips. Therefore the tips must be great. I asked if he could get me on. He brought in his laptop and unlike some people, Mike admitted it was because he didn’t know how to operate it. I won’t say a word about the Hippie getting evicted because that has not happened to anyone I know for so many centuries that I forgot it even could.
           I also bumped into Heather, the 28 year-old babe who likes Wallace (see pictures last year). She was in the audience of a standard Thursday Karaoke show. Took me a while to place her. She asked more about Millie than Wallace. Right after that I stopped at a club on Harrison (local night spot) and heard an excellent guitarist. Face it, anybody worth anything these days is doing a single with tracks. He was so good that I spent $5.25 on a bottle of beer with a terrible flavor, though, I’m no connoisseur. (It is called Lola's on Harrison. More information later this week.)
           Last, I’ve got to mention the proliferation of auto insurance ads, the ones that state you “may be paying too much”. If so the difference must be totally in what the fine print doesn’t cover, meaning if there was ever cause for suspicion, that is it. Each outfit determines the other is overcharging by around $500 per year. They portray that as such a huge sum of money. Gee, with all that cash, you can afford to go back to college.
           [Author’s note: my solution to high insurances is to address the problem, not the symptoms. Raise the driving age to 22, make the driver’s test super tough, stop using Driver’s Licenses as identification (to reduce criminal motivation for having one), total enforcement of existing driving laws and the singling out of the truly bad drivers by name. Publish them in the paper. I am for traffic cops, police that do nothing, repeat nothing, except hand out traffic tickets. By the thousands. Plus escalating fines, that is, each time you turn without using your signal light, your fine goes up by $100 until you learn.
           Also, increased jail time for any negligent behavior. You hit a pedestrian, or a parked vehicle, you go to jail for a month. Hit a bicyclist and it is life without parole. Just kidding on that last one. You would get parole. Eventually.]
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