There’s not a person who’s ever dealt with me that wouldn’t tell you how difficult it is to waste my time. A true talent is required to send me on a wild goose chase. In my books, stupidity is just inconsideration taken to one extreme. A lady got me for two hours today. Here’s the tale, but it seems to me that those who are really stupid should avoid contact with normal people most of the time.
The Internet says free sofa, and the picture looks good. So I phone and a lady answers. Yes, it is still there, come and get it. Ma’am, would you be kind enough to call me back if anyone arrives before I get there? Because, ma’am, I have to go hook up my trailer, you are 22 miles from here, and I can’t get there before one hour. The way she kept saying “Un-huh” tipped me off this broad was too stupid to follow what I was saying. I took a chance and lost.
The sofa was gone. Sure enough, it was the one trashy house in an otherwise fine neighborhood. Two cars on blocks in the front yard. 8271 NW 9th Street, North Lauderdale. The neighbor would not talk to me until I assured him I didn’t know the occupants. He informed me the sofa was picked up “almost an hour ago”. I didn’t call back and tell her off. Like puppies, stupid people must be punished instantly or they cannot make the connection.
This begs the question, how is a stupid person supposed to know they are stupid?* My old roomie, Ken, provides a clue. He was constantly asking for help and money. Then he would complain that everyone he knew had “a negative” attitude”. How so, Ken? Because all they ever said when he talked to them was, “No.” Ken was a frozen meat salesman. That is the same Ken who could not promise me one hour per week when he would arrange to leave the phone alone so I could get an incoming long distance from Caracas. Sure enough, when I finally insisted on 5:30 AM on Sundays, the phone would start ringing for him at 5:29 AM. Doy!
Yep, that's the same stupid Ken Sanchuk of meat-boy fame. The one who got his ass taken to court over a laser printer he decided to no pay for because he could not figure out how to use it
Arnel is taking some time off from playing the beach, well, at least from Toucan's. I don’t need convincing when it comes to a single act at the same location. The charm wears off, along with the contents of the tip jar. He was home tonight and was able to look up El Mago Del Ponche, literally “The Magician of Flat Tires”. Before you call brush up on your Spanish quite a bit, the number is 305-262-9939. You must pay for the parts up front, but there is a supplier just a block away.
Author's note 2015-05-16: I was, at this point, unaware of the Dunning-Kruger study. I had developed, as indicated here, my own and completely independent concept that it was possible for a person to be so stupid he did not know he was stupid. However, all credit for the discovery must, par usual, go to the well-funded university team who first got the money to publish it.
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