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Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17, 2009

           Who has seen that photo on the Internet of a black dude with his cell phone tied with a strap around his head? It is meant to be derogatory, a poor man’s Bluetooth. Guess what? I think I can explain what’s going on. I had to resort to the same tactic thanks to my Nokia 1606 cell phone. Nokia wants me to send the phone to a repair shop. And what meanwhile? Use semaphore?
           You have to set the phone on vibrate and wedge it against your skull. I’ve missed dozens of calls because it cannot be make to ring loud enough. Missed calls from my doctor, Alaine’s wedding gig, and early this morning, a return call from my tow-truck driver. Up yours, Nokia and MetroPCS. This phone should carry a warning sticker.
           The good news is the car is back here. I have several options, including a semi-reliable guy who wants to do the work for a hundred bucks. By coincidence, I’ve been out of work four and a half years less a week. That’s my choice, I am practicing retirement, for I know I will not be a millionaire in this lifetime. Be aware that I know the same thing about you. But I have experience and I know that Social Security will be gone long before I turn 65. I am undergoing a crisis that would be devastating to a real retired person, yet I’m not really even that worried.
           Hey, the car was ailing and there never is a convenient time for it to crater. I’ve looked at that motor and wondered how difficult it could be to replace a head gasket. I know the major cost is labor and I have a plentiful supply of that. If I want to get real stingy, all I really need is for somebody to put the motor back together. There’s probably a blues tune or a violin solo for this situation.
           I called around and took the first tow company that spoke no English. Jorge’s Towing, he is a 63 year old Cuban who lost his house and business to the commies. He absolutely hates illegal immigrants. He worked for Pep Boys for nine years until they stressed him out. Now he’s his own boss. The ride gave us a chance to agree on many things. It turns out he is quite well equipped with satellite Internet and GPS, but the interesting part is people often sell him cars for a few hundred dollars. The point is, these cars run and he checks them on Carfax.
           What I have is seven mostly empty parking spaces in a good location right near downtown. Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Under Florida law, I believe you can sell up to three cars per year before having to get a license. Meanwhile, the Taurus is here and I got it running. The noise under the hood does not appear until the motor gets hot, meaning I can probably use the car to chase around for parts. El Mago is just too far away on this one.
           I called Bill & Dick’s but their number is out of service. I know they are open, so this tells me they disconnected from BellSouth. Everybody’s doing it. I’ve noticed that the Yellow Pages now come out only once every few years. The way businesses are folding left and right, that’s probably not too bright an idea.
           Time to take it easy, I’ve put on the tea and made ice cubes. Cowboy Mike is going to drive me up to Ft. Lauderdale for my appointment tomorrow. The tow only cost me $80 and I’m learning Cheap Tricks “I Want You to Want Me”. Life is good again. Time for some trivia. They boil water to make steam and use the steam to drive a turbine. Wrong, it is not the steam that turns the blades. Water expands to something like 1400 times its volume as steam, and it is the pressure that does the work.

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