Teresa called from Wilmieville. Maybe I was hasty in thinking the job prospects were better up there. It could be the area was generally more prosperous to begin with and that is what I saw. I was hoping she’d call because I saw signs of inhabitation at the condo. A fan and a can. In the north window, there is now a box fan and a coffee can. Take my word for it, because I forgot my camera.
Alaine also called about helping at Quizno’s. I hate to turn it down because of the 50 mile round-trip. They really can’t find anybody and she asked if I would consider coming in once a month. If the Taurus gets repaired, that is the usual frequency I visit JP. I think no matter how hard it is to train somebody new, it is a better deal than I can promise right now,
I’ve listed the spare room for rent for close to a month, but not one person who has responded actually showed up. Florida has a deserved reputation for people who don’t show at your expense. Renting out a room is not a straightforward task like it would be in other parts of the nation. The fact is, we need somebody in that room and it is a pity such a large, quiet area is sitting vacant. I’ll even throw in the fan and can.
Since I’m sure you’ll ask, yes, I did make my first $10 as a shoemaker apprentice today. The money is in soles and heels. I might have balked at touching other people’s shoes, but now it is clear only the higher quality leather is worth repairing. Alfredo, the master, can multi-task up to nine pairs at once. One nice thing is the nature of the work means you make money when it is busy. With computers, you have to hang around the shop during the slow times. Alfredo has a good old calendar on the wall and schedules his work by day of the week.
Maybe soon I’ll have some comments on the income potential. There is far too much large equipment needed to start up your own place. I once ran a stitching machine. The other stuff has to be learned. Grinders, trimmers, buffers, hammers, nailers. It is an outdated trade because soon it will be cheaper to buy a new pair from China. There is still a lot to be said about a good, broken-in pair of Oxfords. The first chore of any apprentice is to remove the old leather, and yes, there is a huge difference in quality.
One nice thing about a shoemaker shop. You never need to clean up. Nobody will be able to find anything. Today I got two scrapes, one puncture and one elbow abrasion. Paying my dues. By 3:00 PM I was back over at the shop until 6:30 and for no good reason, I’m going in later tomorrow and scrambling all my passwords. It is just one of those things you do randomly to see if any of your customers complain.
Any Alan Jackson fans out there? I’m learning a new set of his material. Wouldn’t know the guy if I passed him on the street, but according to the paper, Jimmy Buffet is still flying strong. Seems he was able to license the word “Margaritaville”. You’ll never hear of me because I don’t play under my own name, my handle is “Not Half Bad”. Although I’ve heard of another bass act, he was a sidewalk singer, no to be confused with my steady house gig which puts on a full show as a bass soloist week after week. A show I invented. I may not be recording star material, but nor is my fault I have more guts to try something new than 20,000,000 guitarists. Or is it, now?