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Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009

           My Spanish is too rusty to follow what was happening this morning at the shoe shop. Here is a brand new Nike athletic shoe, expensive I presume. Alfredo cut off the sole and began adding the foam rubber plate you see here. He explained it five different ways, so I’ll let you think about it, see if you solve the riddle.

           [Author's note 2014-05-21: that paragraph is a little hard to follow. What happened is a customer brought in a brand new pair of expensive sneakers for a new sole. I'm asking if anyone can figure why that would happen. It must be clear I was dog tired at time of writing. And the answer to the shoe riddle is below.]

           While researching Javascript I saw the featured story on Wiki was Operation Uranus. This was the Soviet (not Russian) code name for the defeat of the German Sixth Army under Field Marshal Paulus by Marshal Zuhkov in the winter of 1943-43. I must compliment the work because Wiki has a reputation for presenting slanted articles. Not this time. I had to read it twice as it was one of the most outstandingly accurate versions of the greater facts I have seen. And I know Stalingrad.
           The first thing to check for an inaccurate account is whether Paulus is referred to as “von Paulus”. He is not descended from royalty, rather, the “von” was tacked on by his troops as a slanderous referral to his habit of wearing sharply-tailored uniforms. His superiors rated him at war games as “this officer lacks decisiveness”. In a related moment, I added up the total number of tanks produced for World War II. Around 287,015 not including Japan. While Japan did product tanks, they were wind-up toys and the real deserver of the term “Zero”.
           Blog rules say the most interesting thing today was almost wrecking a $200 pair of lady’s dance shoes. Damn that grinder can move fast when it wants to. I’m far enough into the job to start making bigger mistakes, look out Peter Griffin. If this works out, it could be pretty lucrative and keep the ship of state afloat until better days. So many people I know were sure they had it made, trading their houses up time after time. They are losing out in the end. Not one of them had the luck to sell out at the tip of the market. Then again, would they consider becoming shoemakers?
           The library is still open, a good sign. Recently I’ve heard a rumor that some blogs are offering shopping carts, or at least shopping cart links. I’ve been an advocate of this for years because blogs are cheaper and easier than web pages. I’ve seen commercialized blogs, but they are heavily dependent on links to PayPal and regular pages. I want a blog that behaves like a catalog with easy methods to add new products. It’s out there, but I could not find it today for the library selection on the subject is limited.
           Instead what I found was references to the ten top-rated blogs. Rated by whom? Six of the ten are “housewife blogs”. Recipes, household hints, soccer mom complaints. They all say much the same thing. I don’t get it. Real housewives would not have the time for blogs, so my theory is they are getting their kids to write the content. It’s either that or these housewives are so incredibly shallow it defies description. We know that is not the case. Not if you want supper tonight.
           In the email today was an outline from that photographer who wants a 2,000 word article written on horse ranching in Florida. He has a steady European market and seems to know exactly what they want. This is non-fiction, so tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll delve into the history of the matter. In particular, he wants to feature a real 21 year old cowgirl who is concerned how progress will change her lifestyle. This type of writing is one tough market, but three articles a year make you a killing.
           The shoe. Have you figured it out? What threw me is I assumed the person wearing such costly sports gear would be a certain stereotype. Wrong. The simple answer is that the athlete in focus has one leg 7/16ths of an inch shorter than the other and has Alfredo modify all his shoes. Try saying that in Spanish first thing in the morning.

           Checking on the competition. I have a quote from one of the top ranking blogs mentioned above:

           "Unfortunately none of us had eaten a full meal yesterday, just snacks and handfuls of breakfast cereal, and I don't think there is a worse condition to find yourself in when confronted with aisles and aisles of pre-packaged food. Because oh my god I totally forgot about Hostess Zingers! Remember those things? Turns out you can buy them in packages of twelve! Also! Entenmann's Coffee Cake! And Soft Batch Cookies! Did you know that Bugles now come in six different flavors? INCLUDING NACHO CHEESE? Why did no one tell me about this two trimesters ago?"

           If that passage thrills you, go to My blog occasionally contains useful information, so I won't keep you.
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