The new guy, Dan-O, is a super mechanic. But don’t watch over his shoulder, he’s the type that works alone. When he was able to jury-rig a line with two different size ends out of spare pieces of rubber hose, you know he can be trusted. Start to finish was around 45 minutes, not including a break while I biked to AutoZone for small parts.
Millie and Pudding-Tat have squared off again as to whose turf is where. Unlike last year, Wallace leaves the dog to run loose in the yard, which is a good sign. He also worked out on the patio raking leaves and such. That suits me fine, you know how I just love yard work. On weekends. The sweet smelling flowers are in bloom, or possibly double bloom since Wallace trimmed the undergrowth and I sprinkled a light fertilizer on the dirt late last year. The flowers came back twice the size and the perfume will knock you flat. It’s a sweet smell like lavender. Well, we always wanted the best yard in the block.
The facts are in, and I advise everyone not to buy a Nokia phone unless they put it in writing that the “silent” ring mode can be permanently disabled. This is a defect in the phone design that cannot be corrected. In fact, Nokia will not even admit it is a defect and insinuates the problem is your hearing. It is a software problem, and I will see if I can solve it without Nokia. But what a pity to have to resort to such a level to deal with a once reputable organization. The most they will do is advise you to send the phone to a service center. No, you first ship me out a phone that works, Nokia, because that is what I paid for.
That should also clue in the reasons I have not been answering my phone calls. Apologies to the privileged few who have my phone number, but I have been jacked around by the system again. To quote an old ad campaign, I make mistakes too—but I don’t sell them to you.
Trivia for today: cowboys were originally called cow hunters. Their job was to herd cattle. So what does a wrangler do? A wrangler is the one to “tends” the horses that the cowboys ride. Here’s your horse, Roy, all tended up. (The analogy is if cowboys rode dirt bikes, the wrangler would be the mechanic.) I suspect in practice the overall duties overlap enough that an outsider wouldn’t see much difference.
For some reason, the photographer cannot send me photos. My server rejects his attachments. I suspect something at his end. I cannot yet pronounce his name (Degbert?). Others send me photos all the time. I don’t know what gives, but without photographs to support a theme, I was only able to come up with 925 words in four hours. Very effective words, mind you.