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Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

           This is a plastic planter and bench combination stacked up at Big Lots. It would be an interesting addition to our patio, but not until it drops in price from $50. I took a look around on this weekend as I think we are definitely in the market for a sectional sofa. Something very oomphy and in decent shape. Marney has called a couple of times for reassurance about the room.
           That is an interesting situation. We’ve never met and that means a certain apprehension about who she really is. However, since she has volunteered so much information, if we find she has lied at all, we don’t have to let her in. This is actually more discretion that we would have in most other circumstances. She seems okay and knows I don’t like surprises. I mean, I do, but only good surprises.
           There was a mystery upsurge in business this week, so I was out partying most of this afternoon. I have to repair the door gasket on the Taurus. Here’s a metaphor you can use to describe how bad your car leaks: “I could take my fish for a ride.” I wound up at Jimbos by late afternoon, after a long talk with Marney (the potential new tenant). She wants to arrive early because the place she is at is driving her crazy, she says. I know that situation, where you’ve given notice so the other people stop being nice to you. I suspect she’ll be here in a couple of days.

           Did I mention Jimbos just now? Yes. So I was there to get out of the heat. Since I usually spend Saturdays watching TV movies, I stuck around there doing the same thing. Except they don’t watch movies much, and most other TV programs are junk. So I watched the commercials. I confess that I have never seen an Oprah show. I only know that it is a talk show. So I’ll stick with the commercials. Especially those medical pills with possible side effects. “Common symptoms include decreased blood pressure and bank account.”
           What French airliner? I heard about the one from Rio crashing, but now I hear there is more to the story. It just disappeared. The theories include a terrorist attack and a meteor strike. There was mention of a storm, not usually a factor because the jets fly above the weather. The path takes it south of the old Bermuda Triangle, but directly over the newly discovered Bermuda Trapeziod. Or is that pushing it a bit?
           A few birds are back, likely due to the abundant food available from our pepper trees. Taking a picture will be awkward but they are the size and shape of blue jays, except they are grey. The wings have black and white stripes across the shoulder. They sit with the tails up, not down and their song is a type of squeak. Wallace planted a banana tree in the south part of the forest.
           Creeping inflation is returning, along with its cumulative effect. Have you been grocery shopping lately? A can of [Campbell’s] mushroom soup is $1.40, or roughly twice what it was. Bread is $2.50 a loaf. And I’ve quit walking through stationary stores. It will be a while before I spend $5.00 for a decent ballpoint pen. Understand I am noting prices because I plan ahead.
           Trivia of the day is my favorite family question, the brand of inquiry that brings back so many memories for me. The favorite question in the house I grew up in was, “How come every time you go out you lock your bedroom door?” Er, happy D-Day.
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