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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

           I finally found a picture of the houses “from $49,000” we talked about last month. This is a still from a video Wallace and I took out in Everglades City around two years ago. Although the demo unit sits on a secluded private acre of land, you can see the real things are shoulder to shoulder, and the screen porch is included in the square footage as interior space. They are better described as cabins.

           The consensus is that more rain now means no hurricanes this season. It would not be the first time everybody was wrong. It was so blustery I was glad to be inside working. Alfredo has an expensive sign from his old location that is just too large and it is taking up valuable shelf space. If we figure out a way to hang it, I promise you a photo.
           One of the customers today was Big Jim. He’s playing with another band, meaning he isn’t with Pat (the Philippino guitar player) any more. Where is the Riptide? I should drop by to see his new act. He reports that so many construction businesses have gone under that things are busier than ever for the few that remain. That makes sense.

           [Author's note 2015-07-01: it made sense until around a year later when Big Jim's company went under, his wife handed him the divorce papers, and he has not been seen since.]

           Here’s trivia. Most people who use a microphone don’t realize it. Every time you talk on the telephone, you are talking into a cheap one. But what about the other extreme, expensive microphones? You’ve maybe seen them in videos, with some singer wearing headphones and crooning into a weird looking contraption. They have some over at Guitar Center in the $2,000 range. They are suspended in a housing of tiny spring-like shock absorbers.
           The way these microphones are tested is by using two sentences that contain all of the basic sounds in the English language that play a part in the loudness of speech. Those sentences are “She was waiting at my lawn” and “Joe took father’s shoe bench out”. I believe the most expensive microphone I’ve ever owned was a Shure 585 back when I was 14. Much the same model still sells for around $200, meaning I have no idea what difference a really expensive unit makes. And now I’m scared to try.
           It seems there are still a lot of DVD players around that won’t recognize the newer formats I’ve been producing. It’s a good thing I keep a copy of everything just in case that kind of thing happens. I found out about this when I got a call to drop by Jimbo’s after work, and Cash Cab was not on the house TV. Somebody else kicked the bucket, this time that bearded carpenter (so I don’t know his name) and some other celebrity. That makes how many in the last week? Anyway, I told all the famous people I know that if I was them, I’d be on the lookout. Nice guy that I am and all.
           So the airwaves were full of the usual commentary and such, you might say a field day. That’s when I find out the DVDs I pirate… er, I mean burned, won’t play. This is important because that and the CD sub-channel problem is speeding up my changeover to new musical and computer equipment. As usual, there is nobody anywhere who will be of any help in making decisions or with the knowledge I seek and I’ll wind up going it alone again.

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