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Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11, 2009

           It’s Pudding-Tat hiding in the yard. Good camouflage or what? This is our big vine plant that is slowly taking over the west side of the building. It was the cat and I home alone all day and that’s how I like a Sunday. She needs up to 18 hours per day snooze time to rest up for taxing activities like eating and sleeping. For me, add a few surprisingly interesting programs on basic cable and I’m content to keep out of the sun all day. Like the cat is doing.
           Don’t leave me alone with a computer too long, or I get bored and start taking a closer look at things. Like those strange VOB files you find on DVD video movie disks. I did some experimenting. That old Midsummer file that was too long for one disk even after compression (without poor video quality) is now playing on my Toshiba. They said it couldn’t be done. [Author’s note: Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as adapted for opera by Benjamin Britten. Insomniacs listen up.]
           This is done by using a program such as DVD Fit but by specifically targeting only the VOB files, that is, by leaving the BUP and IFO files alone. I have no idea why it works like that, or even how it works. It can’t be played on older DVD players or a slow computer, but the point is, I did it. Who da man? Who da man?

           Wallace reported in from Idaho and is on his way. I glanced at a road map and noticed than ten years ago, I drove right across Missouri and don’t recall a thing about the place. Let me double check. Duh, yep, got up in Salinas, Kansas and drove all day to Lexington, Kentucky. Not a single glimmer of a Missouri memory. But any state with towns like Polo, Yukon, Licking and Clever is okay by me.
           I’ve never been in Arkansas either, so I looked at that map. Either they are still building new Interstates fifty years after the program ended, or according to my map, Arkansas is missing a freeway. Take a look for yourself. Find Newport in the lower left corner and follow I-67 northwest toward Jonesboro. It kind of peters out and then disappears. Maybe it goes underground, or possibly at that point you portage the rest of the way. Love those other place names like Evening Shade, Cave City, and Marked Tree. These towns were plainly named after nearby physical features. So now explain Hoxie. On second thought, don’t.

          [Author's note 2015-11-16: that's a joke, Ken. The dashed lines are markers for segments of the interstate still under construction.]

           The TV was on in the background all day, but even so I can’t say I watch enough of it to be an expert. That’s why I’ve got some questions. Okay, have you ever noticed when there is a show about an active volcano, they never point the camera right down into the crater. Or if they do, it is too steamy to see anything. Ah, big government cover-up? Jimmie Hoffa? What are they hiding from the public.
           Another question is why tax dollars are being used infiltrate private organizations? No matter how obnoxious their beliefs, last I heard people were presumed innocent and memberships were not the government’s business. Then I see the FBI raiding private buildings and roughing up people for being “suspected” of this or that. My position is this brand of snooping, if sanctioned at all, should not be publicly funded. Mind you, somebody ought to look into this whole Hoxie thing.

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