That would be almost a guaranteed job for me if they establish an office near here. They likely will; I can’t see custom shipping bricks from Tallahassee. My customer, Lance, turns out was 12 years on the police force, retired from a bad back. He is twice as active as I am, and at his age, that is something. My question is can they extrude a tiny plastic sleeve that does a better job than a rubber band at holding 100 toothpicks? Lance says no problem. I’ll take 10,000, please.
He kindly drove me ten miles over to my stalled car. And gave me another of those $100 bottle of wine that sit on the kitchen counter. In the bright daylight, it was easy to see a wire was off the starter. My Venezuelan Spanish lessons to the rescue, we had to jack the car up to get at it, but in ten minutes I drove away. Being miffed at the shopping plaza, I drove back over there and measured the depth of the water I thought was six inches deep. It was 19 inches. I mean, WTF? Typical bastard-rat inbred Florida defective Cro-Magnon mentality, building a road that can’t handle a rainstorm.
Word of the bingo sound effects metaphorically got all over town. I drove Jackie around a bit today so he didn’t have to ride the bus, and people who I don’t even recall have already heard about the Tarzan yell. Am I already more famous as a bingo caller than a bassist? Lordy, help me if that can be. The life cycle was Friday morning download the sounds, Friday night edit the clips, Saturday morning test on the laptop in the dining room, Saturday night play them live. And Sunday morning, well, that’s how it goes. I also got a Xmas gig out of it, next Friday.
Theresa called, the natives are restless in Camp Wilmie. Did I mention the funeral plots? To get some ready cash, she is selling two burial sites in Pennsylvania, which makes sense because she wants to be cremated. She called today and the plan seems to be raising capital to get back over here and start the flyer. That means she’ll likely be staying in the beautiful spare room. Well, guys, for all your bragging over the years, not that I don’t believe every word you said, but it is finally my turn. Dudes, I have a lady who sold her grave to visit me. Top that, you cowboys.
Checking for a decent TV movie (unsuccessfully) I see that Tiger Woods has been tried and convicted by the media, who’s grinning parrots cannot keep their noses out of other people’s affairs. The Japanese car-truck makers, or are they truck-cars, I don’t know, the things they build to get around the mpg laws, are still selling for $20,000 each. You wonder why I laugh when they and their customers go under. Other things do not amuse me, such as the search for more “missing” hikers on Mt. Hood. People who walk around mountains in the winter never get lost, they get what they deserve. It is not like they had an exploration or scientific purpose, and I will never agree to spending public money to rescue jocks bent on nothing but self-edification.
Who likes that Taylor Swift tune, “Fifteen”? I find it so-so. I watched the MTV video and found it even more so-so. People say she’s only eighteen (actually, she is nineteen, they are quoting the age she received the top music award), so what do I expect from someone so young? Well, for starters, my hero, John Lennon, if I recall, was only seventeen. And he hardly had the benefits of rich relatives, curly blonde hair and a trained audience.
And the weather lady on Channel 7? Lose the foundation garments.