At every point in the world with plants, a constant invisible dusting of plant pollen is settling on everything around. Each region has a fairly unique mixture of these tiny grains that get into food, oil, cosmetics, even human lungs. While you were napping, the government categorized all these regions and can use the pollen grains to identify any source where things have been manufactured.
It is only a matter of time until this pollen is used as “evidence against you”. Thus, you open an e-business selling “foreign” pollen grains to sprinkle around places where authorities deny they snoop. You know, motel rooms, grad parties, washroom stalls and the like. Then, by all means, let the feds “confirm” the story that you were in Mexico at the time. I’m sure the most lily-white one of you can think of more creative situations where you might appreciate a little good old-fashioned privacy.
My lawyer called. Hurry up and wait. But meanwhile, let me reiterate a few points. Number one, the reason I decided to go partners on this place is so that I could halve the rent with somebody. Not to flip it, not to operate a boarding house, but only to share the rent in half with another like-minded person. Anybody who tells you anything different is lying. Furthermore, nobody is disputing the ownership of this building. However, in addition to that ownership there is a rental agreement that remains in force up to at least the end of May this year.
No need to have anything in writing, since there is undeniably some contract in effect that causes me to pay for everything myself most of the time. But last year was the end of the time I could carry the place myself, having spent $2,200 more in rent alone than I had originally agreed to. When I rent my room, I am not acting arbitrarily; I am reacting to something gone wrong for which I am not responsible. I neither plan nor look forward to adversity or complication.
You know, one thing I never in my life gave a second thought was that I turn on a lamp to read at night. Everyone who knows me understands I read minimum two hours each day, and that I often read myself to sleep. (I have four ex-girlfriends to prove it.) Yet I have heard some people say a reading light at night is suspicious behavior. They reason a light means I must be paranoid, imbalanced or worse, “afraid of the boogie man”. What’s that expression for people who attach a negative, bitter, malicious motive to everyone except themselves? No, no, not my family, I mean the less-accurate expression.
Somehow I must be living in a cocoon. To go through life up to this point never suspecting that others could find some fault with a man reading a book. I admit, that one got right past me. [Later] I understand it is not the reading, but the light itself. Let me try an experiment: I shall attempt, for a moment here, to imagine myself passing by a place and troubling myself to fret about a light on at night. Then to speculate hard evil thoughts on the matter. No, can’t do it. Hurts my brain to think like that.