In a departure from the usual recount of the day, it is time to take a look at some hard facts. The big question is, “How will you be remembered fifty or a hundred years from now?” For many people, the most durable records will be files like this blog (even though this blog is about me). We all interact with the environment. Consider today’s blog confirmation that some people just cannot be trusted no matter what.
I’m not saying I am perfect, nor have I ever said anything of the kind. Don’t we all love the sort who tell us we said that because they are losing a debate? But there is another type of loser, the one who cannot win by logic or persuasion, instead he goes behind the other guy’s back and resorts to discredit or slander. I state for a fact that I consider that cowardly behavior to be a national characteristic of Canadians—and I worked fo a Canadian company for 15 years so I know exactly what I’m talking about.
The strange logic of these Canadians is that since the other guy “won’t listen”, he needs to be taught a lesson. Where this breaks down is they forget the other guy will retaliate, and some of us are, well, way smarter than others. Not perfect, but way smarter. In fact, I know this one Canadian who is so dumb, he could watch me walk into a donut shop with one of my computer clients who is over 6 foot 4, and he would not have the brains to figure out it is the Chief of Police. Now that is dumb, Wallace.
As I was saying, these Canadians lack the ability to see the consequences of their actions. They do not understand when they start back-stabbing, it is a two-way street. What happens to my car happens to their car. I’m trying to remember the name of that eastern lawyer. Turpin? Turnbull? It escapes me at the moment, but I am certain if I am prodded just a little more, it will come back to me. You see, we have issues in this country about people who lie to the police.
At the expense of a certain amount of repetition, let’s look at some facts. If anybody out there has been told there is a spare room here, demand to see a recent photo of it before you leave home. This is a two-bedroom place and there is no “ensuite”. I had to rent out my own bedroom and go live in the Florida room because the person I thought was my friend refuses to commit to a schedule that would allow us to rent out his room while he is away. He originally promised he would either pay the rent or let out the room.
I only went partners on this place so as to have a place large enough split the rent with somebody. The other guy’s claim that I was destitute is a blatant lie, for I had plenty of money to buy a smaller place of my own. His claim that he “bailed me out” is pure fabrication, and in fact is he was the one living in a slummy flea-bag basement with no windows.
Renting his room here does not mean drag somebody off the street. He tried that; his “accountant” buddy turned out to be freshly released from the insane asylum. He finds them at a local coffee shop of pitiful two-bit losers all facing a poverty-stricken retirement. They sit around hatching desperate last minute “big plans”. I make more money fixing shoes than the lot of them will ever accomplish. Their gigantic dreams include starting a “Texas Holdem” club and a “Take Out Pizza” shop. Isn’t that just the kind of person you’d want as a roomie?
[Author’s note: Now don’t get me wrong, some of these men were formerly successful in the corporate world. The problem is, once that world collapsed, they started getting paid what they were really worth. They hang out at the only coffee place in town that gives free refills, using $1,200 laptops to check 2 cents worth of email. Likely too broke to get Internet service at their boarding houses.]
So, let’s look at the numbers. This place was supposed to be a 50/50 deal as to the operation, with the singular exception that if one person was here alone, he would pay the entire electricity bill. In 22 months, including all rent and bills, it has cost $14,483.17 to operate this place. I have paid $10,362.27 out of my own pocket where I was obligated to pay only half, that is $7,241.59. Do the math. That means I must have paid $3,120.69 of the other guy’s bills, including his rent when he randomly leaves without adequate notice. He seems to think this place becomes self-sustaining when he isn’t around, which is pure genius in itself.
I have never received a word of thanks for my $3,120.69, just some second-hand crap about having “the run of the place”. I defy anyone who has true knowledge of the situation here to find a single instance where I did not hold up my end of the bargain and more. I am not the one getting a free ride; this situation has already cost me serious money. I have always acted in the best interests of the partnership, never just myself. That is why I am broke and had to move into the Florida room—I’ve been cheated and lied to by someone I thought was my friend.
Face the facts. When is the last time you gave thousands of dollars to somebody who was cussing you down and falsely acting like he was your landlord? When did you continue to clean up after him? That money does not even account for hundreds of hours of my labor and gasoline in my car. If I wanted the run of a place I would have bought my own. I’ve not saved a penny and I’m stuck doing all the work. Clearly, this situation is not my doing.
Who is the bad guy, now?
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