Okay, some rapid fire trivias. How about the origin of birth certificates? It comes from the requirement that you had to be at least 21 years old to be a knight. I can’t find any reason for that requirement. Last, did you ever wonder where that horrid baggy pants around the knees fashion came from? The hotel lobby walk by Borat. It comes from being thrown in jail, where the authorities hand-cuff the inmate and take away his belt. That is why the look is called “jailin”.
This is fun, here is more. Did you know in 1980, the average car price was $7,575 and the prime interest rate was 21.6%. That means for around 28% you could get a car loan. Who remembers the Man from U.N.C.L.E, the "United Nations Committee for Law Enforcement"? Their enemy was T.H.R.U.S.H. What does that stand for? I finally found out. It is "Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity". Wow, that is a mouthful. Today it is far easier to just say “F.B.I” and “R.C.M.P.”
The tall skinny lady actress was in today, and by tall I mean over six foot. We talked for a while, she knows a few people in the intelligence community who may be looking for a computer type. But, and this has precedent, she thinks my personality is more suited for movie rolls. I had to explain to her that is so far off my ambitions for now that I could not consider anything unless it landed in my lap. Still, she insists, and gave me some contact names. Talent is not the issue. Look at Bob Denver, Eddie Albert and William Shatner.
Beyond that, I scanned the air waves for a job and came up with nothing. It is a fantasy of small minds that there is always a job to be found. At some point it becomes more economical to work for yourself, the problem being that in Florida, the standards are so low you won’t make any money at it. That goes triple for construction. I’m sure something will turn up since I’m not looking for a career.
Meanwhile, how is my writing? That means my articles for FireHow. I have 18 published, and I have earned a whopping 50 cents. I’ve also run out of topics that I specialize in. So what to do? Simple, go to other sites, find articles I can rewrite, or simply find poorly written items I can improve. The goal here is to get hits, not to reinvent the triangle. I want provocative titles, and that is something I can do. A reminder that my interim goal is one article per day, actually two articles every second day, for three months to see how much I really earn. Then decide from there.