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Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010

           If South West [airlines] is hiring, they are keeping it a huge secret. I found one offer for a ramp handler in Oklahoma City. I’ll have to check and see if any wires got crossed on that hot tip. I was in the computer shop most of the day trying to repair a rental unit that decided it doesn’t want to go online. Three customers came in all day. And two were laptops.
           Cowboy Mike called over some computer thing but we wound up talking for ten minutes. I haven’t had time, but he wants me to check out his pipe site, that’s “Reinhardt’s Pipes” for those who would like to do the same. The point here is even Cowboy Mike is finally on the Internet so no excuses allowed. He brought several pipes to show us a month ago. They don’t look like anything except pipes but American hand-made anything is hard to find.
           We also talked about music, the Tiki bar is looking for people. But I told him flat out, I am not ready. If I flop, I don’t want it to be on the beach. Then again, I sing about as much as he does these days. He reports that they (he and the Hippie) lasted nine weeks at the Tiki, whence the Hippie took off to play in some group up in West Palm. Not once did they play all rehearsed tunes with the same group.
           That’s one super-strange thing about how the Hippie operates. He gets a gig for himself and then starts inviting more musicians, always calling the group “The Po’ Boys”, a singular lack of originality. Keyboards, horns, and pretty well everything except a competing male vocalist/guitarist. (But he knows at least one bass player who can and will steal the show.) These bands never take off because the whole premise is too whack-o. It is apparent he has some motive that nobody else can figure out.
           I would like to start playing again, but I’m still at the crossroads where I can think of every reason not to. I admit to now woefully missing that $99 drum box I should have bought in February, which is also the last time I played. I hesitate to play Jimbos until I get more and newer material. Everybody there knows my song list by heart. Mind you, I hear the Friday dart game is waning.
           The fact is, I make a comfortable dollar off bingo. It’s a solo gig that takes no real effort. The first game I ever called was August 22 last year, and if it keeps up to this anniversary, bingo will heavily dominate my stage income. The 50/50 game, a brainstorm of the owner two months ago, doubled (47.1%) my take-home in an instant. Bingo is my cash cow. It is not enough to live on, but shall we say to rake in the same money with the Po’ Boys would already have required seventy years! Goes to show the lure of gambling operates even in my microcosm.
           My only music option at this point is really Hi and how quickly he takes to the rhythm guitar playing. Like the rest, he will still have to be convinced that a lead guitarist is not needed. I’m up against decades of people who can’t conceive of a band without some kid of melody instrument. Check back later this week.
           An inventory of my music accessories was in order and they are not making things like they used to. That’s despite outrageous prices. Cables I would expect to pay 15 cents per foot come in at $1.88 per foot, and I need 40 feet. Things that should last five years barely make two anymore, and that’s in a luxury environment. Manufacturing has become an economy based on skrimping. That’s a system I know hasn’t worked since the day I was born. You know, where their larger effort involves shielding the flaws from the neighbors when a lesser effort would cure the flaws. But any expense is better than admitting drag-in-the-mud stupidity.
           veryatlantic veryatlantic this is a test of the google search mechanism

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