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Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010

           A gold star for this 7-11 on Atlantic Shores Blvd, although that road itself is perpendicular to the beachfront and a mile inland. Notice the handicap parking is correctly placed near the front door, where all the handicapped get a break. It is not right at the front door where it would also inconvenience 100% of the other customers. You don’t comfort the afflicted by afflicting the comfortable.
           What’s this then? I plug in an old MS-DOS floppy and it triggers a Symantec Anti-virus error 1. I wonder why that is? Give me an hour. Great things have come from those who wonder about such things. There’s an old saying that all you need to succeed is brains, courage, and a computer. I’ve got the computer.
           Meanwhile, you never realize how many versions of “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” exist out there until you try to find the one you remember. Even the chord patterns are not consistent.
           Y’day was a lost day, I barely recall it. That is thanks to a new cholesterol prescription, and don’t laugh, your turn is coming. Most people will never be able to adjust to the diet regimen I’m on. The food of the 70s through 90s was admittedly bad, but I never lived at McDonald’s or shoveled away the pizza. I never was a “bad” eater and look what happened.
           Let me say it, unless you drastically cut back to “cave man” food, your cholesterol will climb after you are 30.

           Theresa and I had a spat about the Coffeetime flyer. My understanding is (from what she said) that she had considerable experience hard selling this brand of advertising. She said or wrote this to me before arriving here, so I took her at face value. For clarity, she was to arrive here and commence selling this commodity, and I was to produce the flyer.
           Now, to me this means there has to be a flyer to sell. Although I had no spare time, I produced a sample to keep up my end of the bargain. Now she has now twisted that around as me preventing her from selling!
           She considers the sample a waste of her(?) time because she did not "authorize" it (she was quite aware I was doing it and repeatedly said nothing). She says we had no formal contract to produce the flyer (like who appointed her the boss). Oddly, this lack of a formal contract does not stop her from claiming for services in keeping the kitchen clean (which I repeatedly told her to stop if she was expecting to be paid).
           She also says I “promised” her a job in writing by mentioning Big Jeff, the disk jockey, was also in advertising sales. She does not explain how I could have promised her anything from a person I barely know. When asked to produce this promise, all she had was a couple letters where I was warning her against, repeat against, having anything to do with Big Jeff.
           Further, she gave me her old cell phone and I said thanks. I pay the $40 a month for service without which the phone is useless. That is the end of it. Wrong. She has mentioned that phone at around 30 times and shows no signs of backing off, like I owe her for life. What is with these people? Where is the $200 she promised me for driving her truck? I could have bought three cell phones.
           Last, every time I ask her for the rent, she starts a big insulting argument about whatever pops into her head. Like it is my fault she has no job and saying I invited her to stay here for free. She is not to be trusted with any personal information, she makes threats. She has also stated she does not have to pay rent because I am "not the owner". What an evil thing to do. That is enough, I have given her notice to vacate.
           This broad obviously considers herself some kind of expert shit-disturber, able to play men off against each other. The fact is, Wallace and I had a falling out over his broken promises long before she arrived on the scene. She is a bald-faced liar and a cheat. This is pure evidence of how she turns into a witch the moment she thinks she has the upper hand. Would somebody tell her this is not going to work on me? She's going to wind up on the streets with one of her married "boyfriends".

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