During the day, Bryne and I had a convo about music, in which I explained the how and why of my failure to find a guitarist, and how for a while I actually blamed myself. Once I figured out there was a guitarist mind-set that made guitarists heroes in their own minds, then it made sense. The topic logically followed into my writing the tab book for the best 40 bass hits of all time. It was amazing to get a guitar player’s perspective on what constituted a good bass line. No, it was more like mindless.
To me, the best bass line is the one the audience will repeatedly pay to hear. I’m afraid that does not include “Hey Joe” by Hendrix. That is a droning drug-trip version and I’m astounded that guitar players cannot see that plain-as-day fact. I asked him what he thought of a certain Johnny Cash tune, and he rather contemptuously snorted, “That’s only got four chords.”
“Yep,” I replied, “one more than Eric Clapton.”
Another guitarist was in, someone who was at the Thanksgiving Jam last year. We had an interesting conversation concerning that he would rather go for years without playing than to “compromise his talent” by playing what the audience thought was good music. I asked him if he would even consider any other style or philosophy of music other than his own. Of course not--he’d rather not play, and I assured him he was correct about that.
The same person said there was a professional photographer at that same gig. Really? I got the man’s name, “Alan Parsons”. Apparently Alan took a batch of photos before I showed up. As long as he is not expecting me to pay for such a thing, maybe I’ll have something to show you. It could be fun trying to locate this person, since what do you suppose he calls his studio?
Jack, our database programmer was in. He’s made up a run-time version of the business card database. For any newbies, that is a self-contained mini-type of the database that fits on a flash drive. It has to be updated once in a while, but you can carry it with you. He wants to buy a van and live in it.
Half the people around here are in an uproar. The state is demanding tons of documentation to renew driver’s licenses. That includes a social security number, a birth certificate and proof of address and residency. Even for those who don’t have it but can get it, that is $400 worth of paper. Now this is not the police or homeland security, this is the damn Motor Vehicle Branch. Didn’t I warn all of you twenty years ago your attitude toward privacy was slowly eroding your freedoms? To catch one bad guy, now all of you go on file, hup, two, three, four. That is only the beginning, you fools.
The MVB does not just want to look at these papers, they will also photocopy them and keep them on file, Canadian-style. Gestapo-style. And didn’t you just finish filling out your census 2010? Gotcha! You think they are going to let all those records just sit there? There was a news program dedicated to victims of the MVB, and there were plenty. That includes theft of identity, raided bank accounts, insurance claims, false medical bills, and all the general indications of a very insecure system.
Of course, the MVB denies it, but they would, wouldn’t they? The only thing I can tell you people now is that the MVB are non-elects, that is, if all of you refused there is nothing they could do about it. That is, rebellion. But what a pity you folks were so slow-witted as to allow things to get so bad in the first place. Guess you had more important things to worry about. Of course, you’ve forgotten that I warned you, not about computers, but about human nature. Give an azzhole the capability to find records and the first thing he’ll do is put YOU on file and start making new laws.