FireHow is getting boring, as I’m not getting the hits, but I did post the bass tab to Tracy Chapman’s “Give Me One Reason”, a 1997 hit I first heard while in Venezuela. On the banks of the Orinoco. For some reason, I’d had the impression it was a tune from the 1960s, but then, I can make lots of mistakes listening to Spanish radio.
I now have 12 bass tabs on FireHow, and they are masterpieces compared to the competition. While these have not yet been discovered, they are part of my plan to publish a “Best Of” book on Amazon. I’m starting to polish up a few ideas on the avenues I could take on that one. I’m getting new hits at around 40 per day, or a tenth of what I’ll need to survive and continue.
I put an offer to somebody seeking writers of 400-word articles, directing them to this blog. The angle there is the hope they can conclude people with meticulous blogs are motivated enough to write for money. Then, I asked for a sample and complimented them for their unusually well-composed ad, even if it was on Craigslist.
Next, a little research shows that Johnny Cash was, in fact, not convicted of narcotics possession in El Paso. All the pills stashed in his guitar were prescription drugs, not dope. He spent a few nights in the drunk tank, but in general, his only other big conviction was trespassing. Apparently he picked flowers on somebody’s private property. Only in America.
The stock market is in the news again. It’s a fool’s game. Like the pensions I’ve warned anyone who will listen about, the reported value of these corporations is mainly on paper. They’ve been cooking the books for fifty years. My guess is maybe 20% to 25% of the book value really exists and the government has done a lousy job of demanding truth in financial statements. There are a thousand Enrons out there, I just don’t know who they are. All those fake assets could explain why many of these outfits keep saying their biggest resource is their people. God help them.
Bryne was in to use the computer, and is experiencing “first principles”. This is the frustrating, hair-pulling agony that all adults go through when they strive to go beyond simple user level with computers. They lose all patience countless times. Sure, sending a formatted resume is easy by e-mail, if you know how. If you don’t, it can be nearly impossible. Hint: if your formatting is important, don’t email the resume, send it as an attachment.
A customer came in today and asked about assistance in setting up a 9 terabyte system. I said I’d take a look, but I have only suspicions about who would want or need such capabilities in this tourist town. But the party is serious and willing to spend the money and will provide assurances it is not a scam or any type of illegal undertaking. From a technical standpoint, that is really all I need to know—and apparently they approached me specifically due to my reputation on that point.
I came home to a big chicken supper and spent the early evening dissecting a broken DVD player Fred gave me last year. Thanks to Arduino knowledge, or what little I have so far of it, I was able so recognize and salvage lots of neat parts. I even managed to find out why the screen was broken without it showing any external cracks. I’ve got the laser and both drive motors, the speakers, and a ton of metal screws. This was a BrandsMart unit, causing me to look twice upon finding Sony components under the hood.
Let me glance a the old stopwatch, and yes, it took me 11 minutes and 12 seconds to compose and write these 804 words. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out how I could type the number of words accurately when it is impossible to write the number before checking the count, and adding the number later changes the count. Hint: I only had to make one trip.
That, peeps, is what I call a nothing day. How goes it for you?