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Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

                    What is liposculpture? This ad says it is a non-invasive vibration that claims to remover 70% of fat, permanently. That inventor is going to make a fortune. The reason the ad caught my attention is the claim that the fat “does not come back”. Where does it go? To one’s head? It removes “over one gallon of fat”, and it looks like they charge around $3,800 if that gallon is around one’s abdomen. Anyway, this is a procedure I never heard of, so it gets mention today.
                    Lacking anything to do for a change, I stood under a big old tree and counted the number of lizards living in the branches. Actually, my 10:00 AM callout was late driving across town and I was waiting. The days are the equivalent of a sauna and the local reptiles love it. Myself, I headed directly for the library to see what responses arrived for my advertisement.

                    Seventeen responses arrived from as far away as Kendall and West Palm Beach, although I asked only for local people. The right guitar player is out there but not in the form I need. The difficulty is that most guitarists who are remotely good enough to keep up with me (not a figure of speech) already have their own musical direction. I’m even considering a kid named Jaguar, 15 years old, but he’s got no damage that needs undoing.
                    Worst response was from some stupid woman who didn’t like the way I responded. I sent everyone a quick note to politely confirm I had received their email and would be getting back to them later. Of the lot, only the woman writes back saying I was arrogant, abrupt and the wording of my response was not up to her standards. I decided to have a little fun with this pompous twerp.
                    She had asked if acoustic guitar was okay, and did she have to sing. I wrote staying the guitar was fine, but that I’d already heard all the singing I care to hear out of her. She goes ballistic, suddenly I’m another Craigslist a-hole and why does she waste her time reading there? I ask the same question, since my ad was for a rhythm guitarist, not somebody who needs babysitting. I told her if she demanded special attention from the word go, maybe psychiatry would serve her better.

                    Well, I didn’t say that exactly, but you know it’s what I was thinking. I also have to be careful not to hire anyone who sees music as a job. That type never go the extra mile and always deliver the minimum. Music as a living is feast or famine. Several of the responses contained hints they needed the money. The good news is that my ad must have effectively conveyed most of my intentions.
                    Then I ran into Jackie from Jimbos. He was impressed by the band we had seen two years ago up at Boston’s. July 25, 2008, to be exact. They had a washboard player and now Jackie wants one. Ah, see I told him three years ago he should learn an instrument. The player at Boston’s was very impressive and used professional gear, not a real washboard. I have no idea where Jackie intends to practice but it ain’t over here, that’s for sure. Not the washboard.
                    Experience is slowly convincing me that Linksys routers and Dell computers don’t go together. I’ve been working on a bank of them and each Dell has to be specially configured. One would think it an easy matter of setting all the computers the same but I have no explanation why that does not work. Some will connect with random IP addresses, others need to be assigned. Stumps me.
                    By the way, there were 43 lizards. How was your day?

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