This is not an insane asylum, a wool factory or a library in Spain. It is how rich people live in Irelance. Read below for info. (Later, Irelance? Where did that come from. It is supposed to say Ireland.)
This week I’m reading “The Soprano State”, a somewhat interesting expose on corruption in New Jersey. The place is so bad it can’t change because anyone who wants to clean the place up has to be in the mob to get elected. New Jersey is the worst. It stands as an example of where all politics eventually leads and I totally blame the complacency of the voters in the first place. There is no quality control in politics.
Further, as an example of why people don’t trust the government, today I got a letter from one certain particular government department I had given my address for one certain purpose. Inside was a voter registration form. They gave my address to the voter registration department without my knowledge or permission. And once the voter registration has personal information on you, anybody can get their hands on it. Crooks, shysters, tax collectors, kidnappers. Undoubtedly they had the right, and undoubtedly shit like that is the reason nobody trusts them.
I found another place for sale across the way. It is $6,200 but it is super nice inside. Two bedroom, large kitchen. Off-street parking, big yard, finished Florida room and the rent of only $350. Still, the price is high for an area that may not exist soon, so I’m holding back to see what transpires.
My newest advertising plan is to hand out free earplugs at the library. The moment anybody starts talking, I offer the plugs to others. The computers are always scrunched together like a pig trough. Each set will come with a little blurb about this blog. It is a pity the way the libraries have gone downhill. There is a lady collecting signatures to protest the cutbacks. The libraries are too stupid to figure out how to save money and clientele by not all closing on the same days.
While waiting on my turn, I read a book on the formative years of Ft. Lauderdale, when an army officer by that name was murdering Indians in the area. It was a fishing village population 202 before the developers moved in. By the 40’s, they had the usual society halls and patrons. That includes dozens of those trite organizations that older people invented for younger people, like glee clubs and junior opera appreciation leagues. I noticed every last young female in the pictures had the identical smile, actually a big toothy grin.
I found a book on Irish castles. What a dreary bunch of stone piles. If those are the manor estates, I’d hate to see the servant’s quarters. The closest thing I can think of would be if you have ever driven past the prison in Walla Walla. The interiors are gaudy as well. As O’Rourke would say, Liberace turned decorator and taking steroids. Others are too plain, such as the Dublin castle ballroom. It smacks of the rental conference room at the Marriott over on I-95.
[Author's note 2015-09-25: it doesn't show in this blog, but the following quip has become a standard standing joke in my circles. It applies to people who are basically lazy and make excuses how easy it is for others to get things. She sat around here for months doing nothing until things came to a head. I hope she lost everything in that locker, just out of spite.
If I didn't tell you, she even tried the old, "I thought you loved me" line. Not only had we never discussed this, we never did the wild thing and I never implied there was anything between us. But, my god, if this is how she treats people she thinks love her, it's time to Baker Act the broad. For her own good.]
Theresa was back today removing her belongings a little at a time. She informs me she lost her storage locker. I would at least have held an auction sale. She lamented that she was broke while I have all these “little things” I can “do for money” she said, as she moved her sewing machine, vacuum cleaner and ironing board.
Bingo was the usual success although the crowds have not yet returned. Most unusual to night is that we had three games with three winners and two double wins. That is, half the games played tonight had more than one winner. Strange how that could happen with only twenty people. The place was full of smokers and it was smothering in there even for an ex-smoker like myself. The place isn’t nicknamed “Jimbos No Windows” for any old reason.
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