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Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

           I trooped to Denny’s for breakfast. This alone tells you something is pending, since I have little to do these days but wait. There was a time I spent every Sunday at Denny’s. Their coffee has gone up in price to the same extent it has gone down in quality. In former years I was highly pleased with how consistent their coffee from Alberta to California. But now, it just adds $1.99 to the price of a meal. Plus tax.
           My Sunday tradition while in college was to work the crossword and gulp down refills half the day. But then Denny’s began to change the format, nothing serious, but enough to adopt a corporate face. The corner cafe atmosphere is missing and people don’t hang out there any more. Gone is the long row of stools with booths along the sides. Now there are usually four seats next to the washroom doors.
           Sadly, there was a blind guy in there this morning. He was there to find people to talk with, however, that does not allow for people who don’t want to chat. He could sense when anyone sat down next to him and he’d start asking them friendly questions. I’m of two minds on that, but I will always choose sides with the person who wants to be let alone in peace. Provided he isn’t pushing the issue.

           I’m halfway through “The Soprano State” and it is not as juicy as hoped for. So the governor is a fag, they still voted for him, did they not? He spent $600,000 renovating his garage, but so do Florida smugglers, their social equivalents. He stocked the payroll with phony jobs, but in my view all political jobs are phony. Stupid people will always get the mediocre government they deserve. Like O’Rourke also wrote, if you allow majority rule on small issues, every meal will be pizza.
           Don’t bother with the book unless you are a gossip hound. Instead of picking one politician at a time and following his corruption, the two authors are constantly weaving around fifteen different people at once. Worse, it seems that not only are New Jersey politicos a shady lot, they have ridiculous names. McGreevy, Chugh, Corzine, Cipel. Why bore the reader when you can exasperate him?

           How is life without the electric? For me, little difference, except it is quiet around here for a change. I wish I had kept that propane stove from the old place but other than that I’m comfortable. Not so with the squatter, you see, I can understand the neighbors talking in Spanish. She told them she was going to “challenge” me, see who was tougher. She lasted nine days and bailed, using the excuse she thought her cats would die. Right.
           But then, I overheard another disturbing item. Wallace told the neighbors I was not paying for anything around here, that I was freeloading off him. Discussing personal financial matters with strangers is not the mark of an intelligent man. They knew too many details to be making it up, so I took it upon myself to show them the past two years of paid receipts, all in my own handwriting. Ask them what they think of Wallace now.
           How comfortable am I? Well, quite. I have my battery powered gear. I have an approved indoor propane burner. I love spending the really hot days in the library and the casino staff let read in the upper lounge and don’t wake me if I doze. I’m a natural early riser with a laptop. When there is a breeze, I can bicycle to every park bench in the shade within ten minutes.
           Mind you, all food must be non-refrigerated and be consumed when prepared. I am used to this and have a variety. I know how to shop for everything in non-perishable containers, including irradiated milk and proper storage methods, hurricane style. My utensils are all camping grade and I know how to use them. My lantern lasts a full ten hours per charge. My perked coffee rivals Starbuck’s best. No need to worry about me, I was prepared for a much longer siege through the end of October, by which time Wallace will be compelled to arrive and reconnect the electric or lose this place outright. Either way, he's turned out to be a complete liar.

           You know the strangest part of it all? If they had simply kept their promises, I was going to give both Wallace and possibly Theresa a free place to live for the rest of their lives. Ironic, isn’t it?

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