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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

           Ah, a satisfying breakfast of Mary Kitchen corned beef hash, one of those meals that tastes better when it comes in a can. I had reasons to celebrate. First, young Jag has passed a milestone with his rhythm playing. Instead of trying to duplicate the entire progression himself (who would ever do that), he understands more each week how to integrate simple patterns that integrate with other instruments. You should hear us do a swamp beat or some Bo Diddley now.
           I caught supreme ack-ack from Colorado. Seems I sent a letter there in August addressed to my best friend’s maiden name. But, but, she’ll always be a maiden to me. Everything is in order over there, including the invitation for me to stay for a while, say 2011 - 2015. I suppose this does not make sense to people who only pretended to be my friend while pursuing a hidden agenda, but I do have real friends. I’ve known Marion so many years I will not say here, but more than 25.
           Here’s news. The guitarist did not show at Buddy’s Place last evening, a real disappointment, if only because Jag and I walked the big mile in the rain to be there. I’ve been invited to put on my bingo act next week. (Late rumor has it the talent showed up but left because the place was empty!) All the staff, except Buddy, has seen my operation [at Jimbos’] and know that my show always goes on.

           [Author's note 2017: the paragraphs here do not seem to match up to the photos. This post may have been cut and pasted from other sources, possibly my accounting records.]

           A few weeks back, Buddy’s declined bingo, stating it was not the atmosphere they were seeking. Something says atmosphere ain’t paying the bills. My one-of-a-kind bingo show is mature, completely polished and operable by two people, though in a pinch one could do it. Keep in mind the average bar only needs another five or six patrons to make an evening profitable, as outlined below.
           My show targets that paying 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM crowd so they will arrive sooner and leave later. That’s how a bar makes money despite paying out the total bingo revenue in winnings. And that’s why I can claim to be an entertainer as well as a musician. As a reminder (pay attention here), in terms of cash outlay for gear and supplies, bingo is supremely by far the most cost-effective exhibition I have ever conducted.

           Clubs need the money and I can generate that. My show yields an extra 36 patron-hours during which they sell an extra 96 to 120 drinks, damn good business in this town. The lucky server sees a quantum leap in tips, as do I from the winners. Once again, this unexpected demand for bar bingo proves itself a delightful opportunity. And it should remain an opportunity because my act is very difficult to duplicate. Things could still go wrong at any new location. Eh, I’ve worked tough rooms before.
           Buh-buh buh-b-b-buh Bingo. Y'all come back now, y'hear.

           It is a good thing my record-keeping is up to par. I spent and hour on the phone tracing down my old work records. Dealing with foreign governments is a hazy process, where they even asked for the address where I last filled out a tax form back in 1996, like people are supposed to remember that stuff. Furthermore, they used the now totally discredited security question about your mother’s maiden name. At any rate, I was able to field all their nonsense with completely accurate information, so expect some more good news in approximately 60 days.
           Here’s some trivia. Many people remember J.P. Morgan, the billionaire back when a billion was an awful lot of money. But not many people know he owned the White Star shipping line, which included the Titanic. Even fewer people know that he was booked on that fateful trip and cancelled his ticket at the last moment. What’s that smell?

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