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Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

           The Sunday paper used to take most of the day. Now it spills over into Monday. Top issues are employers once again complaining they have the jobs but cannot find qualified people. That nonsense is remedied instantly by paying adequate wages. The underlying issue is the employers don’t want to pay for any on the job training. That’s an investment they lose if the worker leaves. On the flip side, very little of the expensive education I have was ever used in a job, all it did was get me hired.
           Colleges are turning out record numbers of graduates in fields where the jobs no longer exist. If I had not been the victim of such a school myself, I’d tend to blame the students. Yet they still shoulder some blame, for most of them have something I did not: valuable advice from their elders. At least in my day, college counselors were not commission-based salesmen, although there was a certain pressure to commit to advanced degrees without regard to the cost.

           What are my plans for my upcoming birthday? Simple. JP and I invite a couple of sexy women from the dating club at Aventura, get them on his dad’s boat and out to his brother’s condo in the Keys for a weekend. No, not hired help, but mature women who aren’t afraid to have a little fun without twisting it into a commitment. Not divorced women [like that Theresa] whose only friends appear to be middle-aged married men whose wives don’t know they are “just friends”.
           Speaking of that, the Cave Woman was here for another load of her things. I made it a point to be busy in the yard the entire time. For a few moments I had a wheelbarrow of clippings near the gate and she instantly whined about blocking her way with my “fat ass”. Funny timing from a broad who’s had over nine months to move out.
           Even funnier is that fat ass comment from her direction. Obviously she doesn’t know, since in many women their weight remains constant while the sagging progresses. I could write a book about that subject after my 15 years with the phone company. I have x-ray vision on old lady aging crises. She’s rather sit and worry about being broke than do anything about it. And we know what sitting around does.

           Good news from the research, it seems that for purposes of income, my retirement amounts do not count. So if I get a pension from Venezuela, it does not affect my income for tax purposes here. This freed up enough time today for me to read some background on Zuckerberg, the Facebook guy. He is listed, at age 26, as one of the top 50 billionaires on the planet, owning 27% of the shares. So somebody beat me at my plan to be the fastest billionaire. I know he did it, but I can't but suspect it was an inside job. I have nothing to back that up, I've never even read an account of what Facebook is all about. But I know when I smell a rat.
           I don’t even know how Facebook generates their revenue, but it must involve advertising. One can’t help feeling a little jealous, but then, he was raised in White Plains and attending Harvard at the time. He even lifted the original idea from a student get-acquainted application on campus. For the record, he is being sued over that. Sigh.
           I’ve often wanted to return to learn object-oriented programming. It came up the year after I graduated, coincidentally the year before the Internet was launched. For all that I know, I cannot program anything that works on-line except static html pages. Yet there are brats out there so dumb they think html (hyper-text markup language) is short for “hotmail” who are getting jobs. Anyway, just a dream at this point.
           Trivia. Sweden and Iceland have the highest average age which men get married. They tie the knot at 33, with women at 32. That’s a statistic, because I have no idea who is marrying 32 year old women, but I’ll bet it isn’t 33 year old men. Oh, and top tourist destination is still France, with 77 million visitors every year. Mexico hardly rates at 13 million. America is way down the list because people can’t afford it, with our $300 a night motels and $75 Disney tickets.
           I also investigated various methods of clearing a print queue. This is that annoying problem originated by Hewlett-Packard where you cannot delete the last print job from the spool. It sticks there and even rebooting the system won’t kill it. I have several suggestions, all complicated. I have not yet tried them, so do check back.

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