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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010

           Welcome, first day of decent weather in six months. Overcast, perfect humidity, slight ocean breeze, 72 degrees, same every year but not for long. You know what this means. The Frenchies will soon be here. Don’t pack up just yet, we’ve been fooled before. Every sign points toward a lengthy winter, like 2002 – 2003, where it stayed damn cold for four months. Let the global freezing lobby have a turn.
           I looked at the scooter. It is in terrible shape from standing outside for years. It is made by CPI, a Chinese company I never heard of with a dealership in Ft. Lauderdale. It is a 1999 with 9900 km. The title is in some other person’s name, meaning if they cannot be contacted, it requires at least 90 days to file a claim on an abandoned vehicle. If she can find the owner, then if Dave-O can start it, I’ll pay $100.00.
           I can explain. I now have a small travel budget. The reason is not laziness in pedaling my bicycle, only a dunce could say that. The reality is trips beyond 5.15 miles radius from here often take too much time for the task at hand. Should I require a bolt or washer from Home Depot, the round trip takes a minimum two hours.
           I’ve ignored (by planned calculation) a lot of routine maintenance on my music and computer gear over the previous two years, which now must be attended. I need to travel the distances economically when required, which rules out the bus. My average moving bike speed of over 8 mph does not apply to wait times at lights. Only if I get a super cheap scooter will I decide against the bike motor.
           There’s an Internet search for you. Try to find if there is any bike motor smaller than 49cc. I’ve decided to look by typing every displacement down from 49, there is likely no other way. I await the genius who invents the search engine that can handle compound words. I don’t need a 49cc motor since it develops 1.6 horsepower, can hit 25 mph and adds 19 pounds to the bicycle. That is too much for what I need, which is 15 mph and 10 pounds (so it can still be lifted onto a bus rack). Such a motor would resemble an overlarge model airplane engine.

           Goodbye Aventura Borders, the first place I ever played in Florida back in 2000. They close on the 16th. Oops, I mentioned book store, so here is some trivia. Prior to Elvis Presley, Col. Tom Parker’s most successful show was his Dancing Chickens. He used a hotplate to get them moving. He was probably overqualified for Elvis but I’m glad it worked out for them. The next nearest bookstore is now a 30 mile round trip out on Pines Blvd. Not exactly a pleasant drive on the Broward road system.
           PopSci reports a new type of lithium battery which uses oxygen in the air to create the electricity. That eliminates significant weight and could be a breakthrough. Most visas are required by rich nations when the traveler is from a poor nation. Half of all child support payments in the US are in arrears. And I’m going to write to 2600 magazine. I like and understand their hacks, but where do I learn how to use them? (I never did get any reply.)

           Last item for today, Wallace has received the foretold eviction notice, dated today. He has five (5) days to pay up his outstanding rent or the court padlocks the door. Sunvest will not negotiate, their hidden agenda is to be rid of as many tenants as possible before state law forces a payout. The office knows he is thousands of miles away and hopes he will not pay. Sad, it is, when people get so stupid they do not know they are stupid. Dunning-something.
           Thank God and the legal system I have more important things to worry about.

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