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Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2, 2010

           Let me see, I must determine the high point of the day as the major topic of today’s activity. There are a series of random guidelines in place to ensure your diet does not become too monotonous. Or has anyone notices? It was a slow day, so I’ll need a moment to mull over what takes top billing.
           Nope, nothing of note. So in any order, I got $40 worth of pizza from Pizza Hut at the last moment. They were closing up when I arrived, I said don’t throw it away, for I’m only after a slice. Can you tip, they asked? Sure, but like $5.00. Before I knew it I got more out of that business than people I know who worked there.
           Bingo was slow because the boss was out of town. But the mice were at play. We held a second 50/50 game, where the players split the cash with me. Made my day, or more accurately, my evening by request of the audience and that is significant. It establishes a precedent that otherwise was elusive. Bryne dropped in to see the show and was reminded of the English games. The numbers all have nicknames making their bingo practically impossible for strangers. For instance, O-62 is a “fat lady and a duck”. In America some fat lady would be offended so instead of her losing the weight (and the duck) they’d outlaw the game.

           The [trailer court] office has not contacted me or sent a Sheriff over about the back rent, indicating Wallace may have paid up. Good, it is only right. I will check in [with them] Monday for a status report, but the bottom line here is the unpaid bills are those incurred by Wallace or his invited guests. Fortunately, I kept record of every last penny so if there is any legal action, the weight of evidence will be greatly on my side as it always has been. You can’t get away with turning off your hearing aid in a courtroom.

           I had a chance to review the gig last night, and I see that young Jag is not putting in the required time. I’m flexible, for I was once that age and cannot imagine where I would be today if somebody had helped me or even believed in me. But the music has to be inside you and that can take time, often a lot of time. Myself, I report that it took close to 20 years, longer than Jag has been alive. Still, I would have responded much better if I’d met someone like me who placed me on stage and paid me after just a few weeks. I’ll be watching the situation closely.
           Next, we have the Sammyzonk situation to follow up. This will be the newest hit in America, titled “Anything But Tequila” and you heard it here first. All the players are in place. But what I lack is some way to record all this. My PA has jacks that look like they were meant for attachments to recorders. At this point I still have no idea whether the Sammyzonk can even be protected by copyright or patent. I suppose this is a situation where being first is going to count for everything.

           Around 11:00 PM some car parked in the casino lot started blasting an alarm which kept up until 8:45 AM Sunday morning. I don’t know what it is with some people; a car alarm these days is a useless waste of money. Nobody takes notice much and a car thief is inside to disconnect the thing long before there is any response. I’m equally surprised the casino didn’t do something about it, like tow the stupid thing away.
           One more thing, it is possible to tell when a train going past is light or heavy. They must have been hauling army tanks or something tonight. It was like a mini-earthquake. Normally one gets used to the sound since it is nearly a half-mile away behind a row of buildings. This time it was more felt than heard. What kind of person runs a train like that through town at 3:00 in the morning? Unless there is something they don’t want you to see.

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