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Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010

           I was up early on another printer callout, which means by noon I was in Starbucks because it is the only place open Sunday mornings downtown any more. I learned at the phone place that the more stupid the person, the longer it takes them to buy a cup of coffee. The problem being that stupid people outnumber all others a thousand to one. They say stupidity isn’t measurable, but I don’t know.
           Take a place like South Korea, a nothing place with hardscrabble dirt that won’t grow weeds. They apply for 20,000 patents per year. Now look at the Spanish speaking world. That includes the resource-rich hundreds of millions living in all of Latin America, South America, Spain, and a host of former colonies. (We’ll include Brazil because Portuguese follows suit.) Between them they barely manage 1,200 patents in the same period. But, like my do-nothing family, they would claim there are other factors without specifying what those were.
           I’m going to hand print up a booklet of lyrics and I may want Jag to do the same with chords. He missed a few too many and is not grasping the circle of fifths. That is, he has to stop and figure it out instead of committing it to instant recall. I forgot most of the third verses and onward, not surprising since there are no songs I’ve been singing for years and years. Generally, progress is slow—but not as slow as it was trying to find a guitar player who knew the ropes.
           JP isn’t answering his phone again. Sometimes he leaves it unplugged so his ex-girlfriend can’t call him up to borrow money. Once I get this week’s chasing around done, what say I hop the train out there and see what gives? I’ve solved the recording problems for “Anything But Tequila”, the first hit tune featuring the Sammyzonk, which will keep me busy the rest of the week. The music is inspired by the banter that takes place during gigs at Jimbos. Here is a sampling.
           “Why leave disappointment to chance, get bored here at half the price.”
           “Sammy, your bartender and runner up ‘Mat Groenig Lookalike 2005’”
           “Jo-anne says party hardy but lift the rim.”
           “There’ll be a day of reckoning. Then everybody’s credit score is gonna be 260.”
           “Featuring open mic as soon as we get a mic.”
           “Sammy will no longer be supplying catalogs for patrons to draw moustaches in.”
           “Seating capacity is 36 so don’t like all show up at once.”
           “Jackie, expert map refolder, says the trick is paying attention to the tiny creases.”
           “Bring lots of small change, like 5’s and 10’s, I mean.”

           Thus concludes our 25th day without electric. Again, I’m doing fine, one must not think I am suffering unduly because I am fully prepared for it. That is less than a third of the time I went without electric in 2005 to 2006 after that winter hurricane. I tried to find the records on that for comparison but my filing system back then was by the week, not the day. I have everything I require except a fridge and I am used to buying non-perishables. Remember, I was raised far from city conveniences.
           However, a guy came along wanting to rent a room. I peeked into the door to the hallway and it is packed to the rafters with a mess of Theresa’s junk. We are talking several truckloads. Earlier today she was walking around outside but did not come in. Something is up. I think before her storage bin got repossessed, she hauled tons of stuff into the room while I wasn’t watching. No problem, soon it will be move it or lose it. Again, something is up and I’ll know by noon tomorrow.

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