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Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010

           All accounting systems are a compromise, as costs never obey the rules set out for them. That’s why I’m watching the difference the scooter makes. Now that the facts are coming in, I should have sold that car two years ago when it first began acting up. Using only what was tied up with the car sitting parked, I got my mobility back with $40 left over.
           The mileage becomes optimistic as facts emerge. Yes, I get 95 miles per tank, but the tank holds more than a gallon, in fact it holds 1.192 gallons, almost 20% more. This morning I hit the Panera early to verify Pete the Rock is gone again. It seems a lot of old guys over there are putting finance packages together. It being a perfect winter day, I continued driving south all the way to JP’s dad’s house. I took A1A all the way through Miami Beach and crossed the MacArther Causeway at 50 mph. Whee!
           I was timing the trip and it is nice that Miami Beach is now within coffee shop distance, at least on the weekends. That’s JZ and I (not shown) raiding the fridge. He actually made good coffee but then reused the grounds for a second cup. What a schmuck! Recycled coffee. The fridge is always full of expensive health food, so we talked for an hour and I headed over to Quizno’s for a ham sandwich.

           Then over to Alaine’s where we spent the afternoon sorting boxes of maps, books and photos. Feeling inspired, we then hung a ceiling fan. Hey, at least I don’t play cards on my dates. Yet. That fan must have had 30 parts and the instructions failed to mention any part you could not see from the outside. Face grommet upward. What grommet? It took a while to translate the instructions but I got this installed.
           Here is a photo of the fan blade brackets. It was a four-hour job and we found out the hard way the fan will not work unless there is a good battery in the remote. No pull-chains in that part of town. (I was later to discover pull-chains are not a popular item in Florida.) I don't mind pull-chains.
           That’s the room I crash in if I stay too late on Xmas. It will be converted to a library in a few more years. This year Xmas falls on a Saturday which is bingo night. Bingo comes in a distant second. Dad also wants me to see if I can sell his Cadillac. It is in pristine condition after 14 years. Parked inside every night. I’ll get the specs and some photos later but anything over $2,300 is mine. That would be a nice way to end this year. (In the end, a neighbor saw the "for sale" sign and bought it on the spot.)

           The new singer and I have a rehearsal tomorrow so she needs a blog name. How about Staci? Don’t all women’s names these days end with an “i”? This is the gal I mixed up with guitarist’s ad but my intuition tells me she is worth a try. That’s another situation that would not be possible without the scooter. For that matter, the scooter has proven to be cheap entertainment since I can drive it an hour for $1.50. The round trip to JZ's used maybe $2.50 in fuel compared to $12.00 in the car.
           The thrust of the matter here is that the scooter is not something that costs me money. It is saving me money and will soon be making me money. It is now easy to get over to Home Depot instead of spending three times as much at Barnett’s [hardware]. A daily bus pass in this town is $3.00. I stopped at Barnes & Noble on Biscayne heading back tonight and balked at the $5.00 cookie and coffee. Few things are worse than being immobile while living expenses pose a constant drain on your resources. It was plain taking half a day to get a single project completed had to stop.

           I really needed the day off. Whenever somebody I know personally writes a book, I make it a point to read same. In one of the old boxes Alaine found an original copy of the famous medical text. Published in 1964, the title is “Early Treatment of Facial Injuries”. I have a signed copy. This is the book that was translated into 16 languages.

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