There are times when I really question progress and flash videos prove my point. Here is a format that has been “standardized by usage” on the Internet. Yet there are videos which do not answer to the command buttons on the video players. I’ve got FLV Player 2.0 and certain flv files can’t be paused or stopped. The only way to replay a portion is to use task manager to end the process and start over. What sticks in my craw is that they even build a player that still allows this to happen.
Fortunately, I’ve got music on this computer that wiles away the wait time. I’ve force memorized Cash and Carter’s 1976 version of Jackson, as shown in this video still. That harmony is a natural for Staci and me. I have hopes for this one, while I can say Florida is not the most difficult place I’ve ever started a band, it is consistently the spot where the foremost problem is always people, not talent.
It is grueling to find people who will just show up, play, and leave again. Like I always do. Those who add anything to this recipe are hopeless and Florida is suffocated by that sort. They create a mood that says, “Do it my way instead of the way we agreed when we started.” It is impossible to defend against such an attitude because music is so convoluted and circular they can twist anything back on you. That is why the only musical judgment I trust is the tip jar and why my local critics will never dare go separate tip jars with me ever again.
Was this morning a good start? I soldered the new plug onto the motherboard—almost. The first joint went fast and smooth, it came out perfect. Then the second joint would no heat up. Two hours later I decided to try again another day. That is your learning curve. I did both operations identically, one took; the other didn’t. Go figure.
Guess what I found for $2.00? A radar gun. It is a toy model used for kids to get scale speeds for Hot Wheels™ but all that is needed is to reset the scale to 1:1. When I got it home, I discovered it already had that setting. Watch for an interesting project soon. I bought it at the old Thrift. Dickens would be surprised that it is again run by the same people that sold it to him. Stay with me here. The people Dickens sold it to, that church group, skipped out on the rent. Plus the electric. They stole everything down to the bare walls, including the glass display counters when they hauled ass.
The original owners (the manager is retired from Baer’s) took it back over. If you look back far enough here, you’ll confirm I smelled somthing fishy about that “church group” from day one. That explains why I was only ever back there a couple times in the past several years. Some church, eh, Dickens? And that is how this blog follows the lives of real people in real time.
Bad review time for Sylvania, the lightbulb people. They make a lot of electronics products, including that fiasco of a “netbook” computer with no hard drive. The low mark is not from selling junk, however, but from discontinuing support (mainly drivers) on-line. Once a product has been sold, it is the responsibility of the seller to maintain at least the drivers and instruction manual on line ad infinitum. Sylvania, I hope China puts you out of business because you just have not learned a thing in all these years. The product in particular is a flat screen monitor called Model 780. It is not even mentioned on their web site.
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