Wow, did I review an excellent product today, the Sprint HTC 4G phone. While the units are expensive, the monthly service (MetroPCS) is the same as what I’m currently paying for just a cell phone. Please take a close look at a 4G phone if you have not yet. My excuse is I wait until a new product is recommended and never trust advertising. But I took my picture, watched a video and sent a text message in the first couple minutes. The product arrives with a Bible-sized manual.
As of noon today, I passed the breakeven point with the scooter. Trust me, I’m happy about that. It isn’t right I’m letting the maintenance go and I promise to do better soon, as in that brake job ($70). That money represents a material improvement [to the scooter], where on the Taurus, it was sunk money for no visible return. The scooter isn’t making me rich, but my former car was costing me money just sitting there. Even taking it to the beach cost too much. As bad as things were for a while, they will start getting progressively better now. That’s not going to help anybody who tried to nickel and dime me along the way. You’d think some people would admit to my ability to plan ahead and go along for the ride.
The Fishman is also getting close. The trick is (I’ve mentioned) that until it is fully functional, I am forced own two PA systems and that ties up cash. But I cannot for a split second be caught without a PA system or I’m in the poor house. I’ve made a firm offer on the Fishman, no reply yet. Mind you, once I have the Fishman in operation, selling off the old PA will make other things possible. Additionally, I checked with California and the Arduino is on the way. The mail delivery has been plodding since Xmas, I just y’day received a letter posted December 22.
[Author's note 2018: I did not get the Fishman for another five years. And I kept the Gigrack to use for rehearsal. I no longer audition guitar players. They are instead to demonstrate how quickly then can pick up new material. I've learned.]
Currently on my reading list is the dialogs of Plato. This is not for everyone, I suspect in a sense he is famous just for lack of competition. I disagree with some of his fundamentals, such as his contention that justice comes from people being good. I suspect that would only be true of people are also equal. I’ve read his philosophy, never his book and this is my first chance. He believes in rule by many, I lean more toward rule by the wise while realizing there is no criteria to determine who is wise except time.

Um, when I left the phone company, I forgot a book in my desk titled "Memoirs of Marshall Zhukov". It was an original 1961 publication. I just found out they are selling for $500 a copy.
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