This photo is not clear and I can't make it clearer. It is a set of pedals slapped on the outside of an electric scooter. The law says if a two wheel vehicle can be pedaled, it can have an electric motor that drives it up to 20 mph top speed. That bent logic produced the contraption you see here. We got Shay to actually pedal it to the corner and back. Since the pedals jut out from a regular design, you have to be bow-legged to use them. Maybe a little bow-brained, too?
Bush's 29 year old daughter, who except for that is an absolutely unknown and worthless nobody, is plugging homo marriages. Goes to show no matter how rich your daddy is, you can still be a whimp desperate for acceptance. By anyone or anything. Speaking of cashing in, Patterson the author is auctioning character names in his upcoming books. Pay him enough, he'll name a character after you. Pay him $100,000 like Trump did, and he won't. It's one of those schemes I can't decide if I hate it or wish I'd thought of it.
Some sharp Florida outfit is selling the police radars at $10,000 each. They can see through walls, so they are based on the military phased array combination laser and radar system. That still does not explain why so expensive. The manufacturer says the police need more equipment like this. Sure. Besides, those pesky search warrants required by the Constitution are getting to be such a damn nuisance anyway. How are the police supposed to catch bad guys if they can't spy on everybody else?
I was reading Florida Statute 723.061 which states a mobile home park can evict a tenant for non-payment of lot rent. That's a mobile home park. Not a mobile home owner, his loony offspring, or some yahoo from Palm County. If someone tries to fool you by quoting this particular law out of context, don't bother setting them straight. They've already tried to scam you once. It is the registered mobile home owner and nobody else who is ultimately responsible for the pad rental.
But what I really enjoy most is pulling up to a gas pump for a fill-up and noticing the last guy paid $70 for the same thing. Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-ha! The real estate market is girding for another 21% to 26% drop before the end of 2012. It is just six days until the crucial point I predicted (in writing) fifteen years ago, and verbally over twenty years ago. February 7, 2011, the collapse begins. I'll be watching. (I was unaware the government would begin "Quantitative Easing", that is, printing up free money so people could pay their bills.)
I've finished "At Risk" by Patricia Cornwell and I can recommend it. It fails my character count, introducing 29 characters including a blind dog where maybe seven would have sufficed. Do we really need to know the name of the newspaper editor (Stuart Hamilton) who is mentioned once in a bit part?
Some cliches are a little over-used, like the pencil dents on the notebook underpage, (where the detective scribbles pencil over the page and reads the message) something I first saw in a Dennis the Menace cartoon eons ago. The book is well-written, but there are also a few loose ends, like the parachute suicide and the plot lacks a spectacular ending. But overall, it is a believable plot and Cornwell pleasantly stays away from most of the lonely divorcee/recovering addict/poor me detective typecasts--and their equally ho-hum dates.
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