Here's a poser for you. The men's washroom has the label also in Braille. So what if some blind guy wanders into the lady's? What could happen? Well, there is always the theory that Nature overcompensates for the loss of one sense, and he might succumb to olfactory overdose. Or he might hear what women really talk about in the can and die from a fit of laughter.
It's like going to a wedding in Bokoshe, you meet a one time useless character every other minute but you don't where it will happen again so you have constantly memorize names. In the fog of so many characters, it creates difficulty following the plot. (In the end, there are 56 characters, most mentioned only once and of no use to the tale.)
Over the years, I've read many accounts of the Strait of Magellan and Drake's Passage, though I never learned the geography. I finally took out the atlases to discover the area is not considered important or populated enough for details. The best map available is the otherwise excellent "The Times Atlas of the World" at 1:5,500,000 scale.
But all the English explorer's names, the ones who did all the hard work, have been changed to Spanish names. Basically some Spaniard who's dead uncle once said he'd met a stranger who claimed to have once known someone who may have said the thought he was there once and may have seen something. Drake Passage is not even mentioned. Boo, Times.
Being slightly under budget, I treated my self to the Pizza Hut chicken and garlic pasta. The large order that comes in the foil tray. Fantastic, dieters beware. I all all four portions in two settings. Can't make it better myself.
Here's today's trivia. Today, Stockton, CA, beat out Miami for the most miserable place to live. Since the bust started, house prices in Stockton have fallen 58% says the Miami Herald. They also reported two deaths of terrorists held at Gitmo, plus five suicides. That's how many more to go?
[Author's note: Bokoshe is a hamlet in Oklahoma where it is rumored the 450 residents have the same DNA. I've never been there, so this is a joke at their expense.]
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