Here's today's hero, Owen Honors. Why? Well, he was relieved of command of an aircraft carrier because he made some comic videos. Some sailors were "offended". Poor babies. Somebody go get a 'em a hankie. (The videos contained "obsceneties, partial nudity and homophobic jokes".)
Finally. Through the military veil of secrecy, the public now has a standard. We can now judge how "tough" our sailors would be against a nuclear attack by demonstrating how they react to really serious threats like being called a "candy-ass". It's such a comfort to learn how safe we really are against the true enemies of our society and the American way of life. Our stalwart Navy, so full of the bravest.

As far as the day went, it was nine miles on the bicycle, four hours in the library and a total of 65 characters in "Assassins" if one includes a prison called "Banco" that they keep referring to as a person. Fortunately, the book was written long before author's aimed to sell movie rights, and many of the characters are throw-aways or killed off in the same chapter. It's a severe instance of "Character Bloat".
Exhausted, I ate at Wendy's. That place is just not up to par. Their prices are not in line with similar places and for some reason the food is bland. They were out of the main reason I go there: the 99 cent baked potato. Food was on my mind due to something I've long suspected and just recently have proof due to my present and rather unique circumstances.
Anything you buy fresh from El Presidente goes bad in a day (figure of speach, you can keep all veggies in the fridge a bit, I'm saying the food really is fresh). I'm from the farm and I know that hard vegetables like cucumber, celery and onions will stay for up to three days in a cool spot. Even fresh milk will last two days in the shade. Unless you buy it at El Presidente, then it goes bad within the first 24 hours. I have no explanation for this and suspect it may even be a good thing. Except for the expense of throwing out half of everything.
Bingo is decidedly famous how, though I've decided not to ask for a larger share. At least not yet. Everybody is happy and the game is now by far the best draw of the week, handily outstripping Karaoke by two or three times.
Last important item is my new 21-month plan. It is now complete, and I have to buy a house somewhere other than south Florida. The most dour predictions for the economy have all come true. Every while, the government puts out an optimistic report but these only fool some of the people some of the time. I have in place a realistic budget that allows me a vehicle, gas, and a small travel budget, but nothing else. This budget is a given, it has been in place since the first (of this month), and if all goes well, I may be able to take some university courses for free. Take only courses, not programs. Or they will shaft you.
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