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Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 19, 2011

           That’s me, the California bartender. In case you wonder where I was on many of those long vacations I took from the phone company, here’s a partial answer. I believe this is not a bar, but a school where I was giving a speed demonstration. I normally wore a shirt and tie in those days, this is nothing special. I had mixed those seven drinks in front of me in the 30 second time limit. The only jobs ever I got were slinging beer, mixing drinks like this was for show only.
           We get a lot of nice days, but a pattern of perfect days in a row like this is too rare. It was a freak week like that what suckered me into moving to Florida. Dave-O was over for tea and we wound up sitting in the Florida room for a couple hours taking it easy. He’s still got trouble eating and they are treating it with painkillers, a weird medical philosophy in my books. Aren’t you supposed to cure things instead of chancing getting somebody hooked on drugs?

           I love my new work shed. Everything is slowly shaping up right. I ran the scooter up to Home Depot, I sort of like that place. Not as much as the library or anything, please understand. Have you seen how stingy they are getting with prices? They now sell wing nuts by the package of four, cost is $1.14. That may be going past the point of no return, since it costs more money to sell things that way. Only the scooter made it economical to zip up there for two nuts and two bolts.
           Bingo was harsh. This means Dunkin Donuts instead of the Diplomat munyanna. The core crowd was away on a cruise and I can’t compete with Norwegian. Did I ever mention my first girlfriend was Norwegian? Natural redhead. They used to exist, you know. I speak with authority. Anyway, her being first makes me and the cruise lines even.
           But don’t give up, cruise ships may have had their day. One can only play so much shuffleboard. It as Patrick’s birthday and he brought food for everybody. Sausages and sauerkraut and all the wonderful things the doc is going to take off my diet next week, just you watch. The gang got him one of those walkers, but this one was equipped with a headlamp, holsters for a trowel and glue gun.
           Ha! Patrick’s is a spry 50. If you look closely, you can see the walker. The trowel handle is on th left, you can just make out the red glue gun on the right. Patrick was the guy who wanted to fix Wallace’s roof for free. Well, in exchange for me playing a few pool parties. Now he’s got no pool parties and Wallace got no roof. Double ha!

           I also rewired the computer work station to give myself a shirt-sleeve environment to study my robotics. I’m telling you, I was busy all week. If I don’t get out of the house much, it doesn’t mean I’m banking my sleep. When I’m done, in say another week, I’ll be living in almost luxury considering the circumstances. There will be some changes, and it is only my need to get things in order that stops me from heading to Okeechobee tomorrow.
           In my tons of spare time (that’s a joke, son) I programmed the Zoom drum box to match most of the music now in focus with Staci and Jag. Never put too much into a drum box where you cannot make cheap, easy computer backup copies, such as the outdated but affordable Zoom or Alesis. Tapping out the beats, I thought about what Ray-B said whilst we were jamming last week. He noticed, since I did not have a lead player, I regularly played fills on the bass.

           He’s got a point, saying I “took out the lead and play it on the bass”. It reflects the difficulty I’ve had finding a rhythm guitarist. When I find one who can play rhythm, he can’t play lead, but if he can play lead he will not stop. I have been soloing for years, so Pat-B is right, I will play intros and riffs on the bass right where I am lacking the guitar part.
           But in my defense, I would point out I am playing melody riffs, not 1970’s style disjointed cliché lead take-offs designed to clobber the other musicians. Still, Ray-B is right, I do play them. Hey, can’t leave ‘em out. How else to play “Tennessee Flat Top Box”? Just you try playing that without a lead guitar, and if I had to bet five cents it would be that you’d wind up playing it exactly like I do.

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