It was one of those Friday evenings I’ve trained myself to stay home and listen to the radio. That means nothing on TV but that’s a given. That is not to say I did nothing today, life is to short to laze around very long. Here’s an account of what I did on a nothing day.
First, I supplied Office Depot with all the statistics they need to realize they have been stocking shoddy merchandise on their counters. My evidence was a landslide to them, they agreed I was right but that I was the first customer who ever brought the problem to their attention. Brother ink cartridges are designed to fail. Ink cartridges are already borderline illegal from an anti-trust standpoint. But Brother has stepped over the line duping their distributors into handling a product they do not guarantee or accept returns.
It is my sincere wish that this knowledge costs Brother an awful lot of money. Then I spent a couple of the cooler morning hours working on my shed. I’ve decided on only temporary repairs to last a few years, since I’ll be buying a big new house in around 18 months. So what if I’ll be a little broke until then.
At the scooter shop I set up a super fast Internet computer for the manager. It has a graphics accelerator card that really cooks. It’s nicer than what I use here. I’ve made a deal they will teach me how to tune carburetors, a skill I’ve always wanted to pick up. Then I proceeded to scroll down my entire contact list and call everybody with my new phone number.
Cowboy Mike reports he did a tour of the beachfront last weekend. Of the six places that still have entertainment, five were solo acts with backing tracks. Only McGowans had a real orchestra and it was a piano player and a standup bass. Not my style. I don’t grieve over the loss of venue, I understand that bands must now compete against those very single acts and not expect to be paid much more than a soloist.
That’s another reason I’ve made certain that backing tracks will never be able to match my duo arrangements. Never. Not now that I have a guitarist willing to adapt to my methods instead of secretly conniving to become a soloist at my expense. I’ve really had it with guitarists who are really playing solo material in what is supposed to be a band. You know what I’m talking about.
It’s a crazy thing, but I don’t know anybody who likes to hang out. Dave-O is company, but he won’t go out to a show or anything like that. Since there are no single women in town between 18 and 48, I have to go most places stag. I went to the free Friday show at Young Circle. It isn’t really free since they do take to plugging politics and religion, to which I strongly object. There was nothing to see, it was a fund-raiser for cancer research disguised as a free show. But there was an incident that stuck in my craw I should report.
Many people arrived early and the chairs began filling up. That stupid broad waited until all the chairs were full before getting on stage and, get this, asking the front row to give up their seats. Of course, the screwy bitch did the old guilt trip saying it was for recovered cancer patients—but why did she wait until after all the other chairs were full? That is pure Florida stupidity. Now the people who waited the longest had to stand or sit on the ground. That woman is a crude asshat too stupid to smell her own stench of stupidity.
To top it off, she had her microphone about 5 decibels too loud and she had one of those grating, raspy, whiskey voices that is a divorce looking for a place to happen. She was too wrapped up in her own little do-gooder sequence to realize she was offending people. My God, Florida, where do you find such an endless supply of these useless specimens? Do you advertise for them in Hell?
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