Here’s a little photocomposition I call “Scooter & Rolls”. Ahead of me is your “Type A” successful Hollywood drug dealer. A Rolls-Royce with the windows down blasting ghetto rap along the boulevard. The car, probably a repo, is factory new except for the magnesium tire rims. You just know what that home-boy is overcompensating for.

I’m half-way through another murder mystery, this one called “Cop Killer” by Tom Philbin. Finally an author with a different-sounding name. It is very well-written compared to the current schlock on the bestseller list. Researched to the level of complete believability, Philbin overworks the cop-as-reluctant-hero angle. The book is 74 short chapters though it could be trimmed to 65 if the author could figure out a police detective’s recent divorce is really not central to the plot.
I’m on youTube. I discovered the one brand of video (wmv) I can produce on this computer will post. That doesn’t mean the other side can play it, but it is a Microsoft product. I posted five videos which youTube somehow counts as six. Go to youTube and search [veryaltantic].
After this initial success, I will attempt to find out how to produce the more common flv format. It is probably done by some manner of conversion software. I have hundreds of unpublished videos on disk including a lot of Everglades’s footage. (Yes, that is the correct possessive of “Everglades”.)
There is an interesting value system over why someone my age would post nonsense videos on the Internet. I am fascinated by the technology, but the real reason is playing the odds. Like most idealists, I would like to get rich without selling out to the man. Riches are bittersweet if you sacrifice your youth or enjoyment of life. Working for a living is pure certain surrender without even the corresponding hope.
We are surrounded by nonsense that all you have to do is find something you enjoy doing. Find? Whaddaya mean find? People who say such crap were born rich, because they don’t tell you how to survive for twenty years conducting the full-time search. Well, my said value system is similar to but far from identical to that of a wannabe rock star. There probably isn’t a musician alive who doesn’t dream of the big one. That’s where we differ; they keep trying the same thing for life (usually at the same blues bar) where I tend to try different approaches after a failure. Both methods have worked in the past.
It just takes that one hit and you are set for life—only if you are prepared. Unless you were born particularly talented (I’ve met such people, and we aren’t among them) the best odds you’ll have are to constantly probe until something connects. True, it takes time, but that is why they call it gambling. This produces missed opportunities since most people don’t have a mechanism in place to capitalize on even a tiny chance win. If they were offered the winning lottery ticket for a grand, they’d have to run off and ask their uncle to lend them the money.
But remember, I’ve done my homework. I just need that one post to go viral and I’m permanently rich and famous. No matter how deep people look after that, they will find another layer and another layer. It’s there and it is no flash in the pan. I’ve even thought of selling this blog. Why would people pay for something that is free? Simple, this blog is too big to read on-line and printing it out would be more expensive than buying the book. And I can always write more.
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