Okay, what the hell is this? I’ll tell you later, because it did not arrive on the scene until almost sunset. Yes, it is four guitar plugs wired to a central post on a piece of tin from an old computer. And some coat hangers. Keep reading and ye shall learn. Meanwhile, we go over the events of the day.

This is different from when Jag was playing. He did not know the music and I was too overworked on stage because of it. With Staci, who forgets lyrics but definitely know the music, the show itself becomes better. If people don't think the show is great, they don't tip five bucks and ask if we can play their favorites. I'll see how rehearsal goes tonight. Our top tunes for now are “Back In Baby's Arms” and “I Been A Long Time Leavin'”. Not your mainstream ho-hum.
Not all is hunky-dory in musicland. I know that my vocalist did not go over the material on her own time since the previous practice. Can’t fool me with music. I’m given to hear the day job and raising the kids are a conflict. I recognize that which is why I ask for assurances that the hard part, the practicing and rehearsal, can have adequate commitment of time. Then later, once the band is playing out and there is some money, we can haul back and coast for a while. I had a heart-to-heart with the singer about this and have been promised there will be improvement by a week from today.
Otherwise, I have a Harry day planned. Get up, have breakfast, take the rest of the day off. So stick around or return later to find out how much I can get done on such a day. I figure when you work and only get weekends off, you are not always geared up to accomplish things, and if you do, the aisles at Home Depot will be clogged by other working stiffs. A day off whenever you want seems to me the prerogative of the offspring of the ultra rich. And to have the brains to do something with that day, the privilege of the chosen few.
[Author's note: I was harping this tune back when I was ten years old. I noticed others around were not acquiring the skills to keep them busy no matter what. By age of twenty I'd already seen the results. Whenever they were broke or bored, they had no choice but to sit there like what they were, it already being too late for most of them to start learning anything new even if they could still remember how. They degenerated into a drinking, smoking, gossipy, rabble sticking their noses in everyone else's business. One can only imagine what life must be like for such people, or I suppose you could just talk to Patsie.]
So what did I accomplish today? Introducing Agent Morar. He knows nothing about computers, programming, or robotics. I know nothing about assembling complicated circuitry. Take a look at this photo, it is the front side of the one above. Yes, this was the prototype wireless antenna published recently on youTube. It is generations ahead of my cantenna. He can’t work it. I can’t build it

Our initial meeting defined our goals and standardized our equipment. He did not know about brainboards. The agreement is not so much to do, but to teach each other the expertise. One of our listed objectives is to defeat the anti-repeating chip built in to all wireless routers. If you read back as far as five years, you will find I documented much research on this topic. Seems he hit the same brick wall. How come, when you place two identical routers on the same channel across the room, they will not recognize each other?
I since learned that manufacturers build in a blocking circuit to prevent users from daisy-chaining one router into connecting the whole neighborhood. It is not illegal to share an Internet connection in this manner but if they permitted it. But the router companies would not be able to sell every household their own device. Didn’t I tell everyone that the pace was about to pick up? Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet, especially those who met me during the last few years when I’d hit that bad patch.
Author’s note: the fine print is that every router will connect up to 256 users. The limitation is the speed of your home Internet connection, not the router. You are about to find out why those more expensive grades of service exist. After all, any old phone man will always know about residential usage ratios. The finer print is that most people could share their connection if they knew how and had the right equipment.]
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