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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

           Stand by. Computer troubles. Here's them flocking birds all over the place again. Don't ask me why they are gathering in the middle of summer. What a racket, you could hear them two blocks away. And they kept at it until well after dark. Ah, the mysteries of the universe.
           The Barn at Oak Ridge is belly up. I was there a week ago and they didn’t even have a sign in the window indicating the closure, so I wasted a trip up there and got caught in that two-hour rainstorm. You think you've seen rain? We got 2-1/2 inches in two hours. I got soaked so up yours, Barn, how I don’t feel as guilty reading all your textbooks for free. And to rub that it, I’ll let you know I can often grasp the whole $60 book by speed-reading it once. So there, you bums.
           The supercomputer has a real problem, and it isn’t anything easy. It may be the the BIOS, or something in the motherboard, so it stays in the shop. These longer than usual blog entries are being had-written. I’m old school enough to pull that off. Meanwhile, all my MP3s, Arduino programs, and everything else new school sits here unusable on my backup hard drives.
           An individual from West Palm was advertising for Arduino fans, so I sent him a link to the Minutes. He writes like he is around 20 years old, although that is not a barrier to membership. But read my lips, stupidity has emerged as a real disqualification, including being dumb enough not to join up when the going was good. Fortunately, we have not had to evoke that rule since no stupid people have applied.
           Half our membership is at bible camp all week. Or whatever the church calls these retreats or time-outs. It involves some spiritual connection with God. So please, nobody come out with jokes that it would be smarter to spend the week working on the time machine so you could travel back to day one and talk to Him in person. That would be a coarse and base type of humor that I just won’t allow to be printed here.
           Speaking of getting in touch with reality, the deficit is now beyond disastrous. America, you are in damn serious trouble. You watch, their credit rating will fall now. They had to borrow the August civil service payroll and Social Security payments, and it is only four weeks till September. One of these times the usual recoveries, like the stock market, is not going to play along and down comes the house of cards.
           Then gold and silver will quickly follow along. I am now accumulating cash for more silver, as the prices are not quite back in line with history. By the 15th, I’ll have more cash waiting for prices to drop than I will have silver, waiting for prices to rise. Don’t dismay, it is precisely this type of discipline that pays off in the intermediate and long run. I’m still looking for work, you know. I’ve never made even half the amount I’m allowed per month, but then again, I really do have a bad heart so I can’t cheat like half the rest of the recipients. I’ll explain more about silver to gold prices in the next week or so, that means keep reading.
           Meanwhile ponder this. It is illegal in both Canada and the United States to cheat on your taxes. But there is a fundamental difference that sets Canada off into the realm of totalitarianism. In Canada, the activity which produces the unreported income is likely itself against the law. Think of it this way. In the US, if you mow your neighbors lawn for a year for $500 and don't report it, that is illegal. Now consider in the US the act of mowing the lawn is in itself not breaking any civil or criminal law. This is a trivial example, but in Canada you could be arrested for up to 17 different offenses, including contracting without a license. Not fined, but arrested. Think about it.