This was a quiet month as I was compelled to keep things conservative due to items like the scooter repairs. October will make up for it, you wait and see. But quiet doesn’t mean nothing happens. Dave-O came by to remind me that I am not the worst guitar player in this town. Other than that, it will be tough to find something interesting about today.
What’s this about a volcano about to send the tidal wave across the Atlantic? If hurricane panics are any indicator of the mentality of Florida’s rank and file the only way out will be via a hot air balloon. Or an armored robot? The hardest hit areas would likely be Key West and Miami Beach. Some say that isn’t such a bad idea.
The afternoon robotics meeting was one of the longer and tougher sessions yet. We are up against problems that seemed insurmountable, but which are now teetering a little. Now that we have expert advice arriving from outside we are better able to direct our studies. Don’t overlook this factor for we chased down a hundred blind alleys for each one that led somewhere. Our new honorary members are more advanced than we are in their respective fields. What we have to offer is excellent organization and they recognize it as such.
But Agt. M is having difficulty learning Integrated Circuits, so up to an hour of each meeting is needed to keep the momentum. He can visualize the full size components on the workbench but cannot visualize 50 or 100 of them in a chip. As he says about the club, he is the hands, I am the brain. We are placing a large (for us, $50) order for connectors and such early in October via West Palm which will allow me to construct an IC simulator out of the full size components, all for the purpose of learning.
Singapore says that I need to study firmware, West Palm says that a basic understanding of the topic is enough. I’ve asked both to send me a sample of the coding so I can make a decision after seeing for myself. Incidentally, Q11 (that’s the new member from Singapore) was able to troubleshoot a circuit for us without ever seeing the physical object. And us, well, we are getting better at building robot simulators than we are at building any robots.
May I say to all the people who are now experiencing the full might of police power in New York, it serves you right. I have been the advocate of personal freedoms and privacy rights all my life and know what it is like to be called paranoid over it. You complacent sheep led your lives like lemmings and never spoke up except to criticize those who did. So don’t act surprised when the city unleashed 35,000 anti-terrorist goons on your protest and installed 3,000 surveillance cameras to keep tabs on you.
I heard you same people insinuate anybody who wanted privacy had something to hide. Now you can’t hold a peaceful protest because you gave up your right to that same privacy. As I said decades ago, even if there was such a thing as a person with nothing to hide, he would still be a fool to give up his right to do so. Now, the authorities are recording you to get positive ID and label you as terrorists. You know very well who gave them that kind of power. When you don’t think ahead, believe me, somebody will think ahead for you.
Oh, and I watched your protest on-line. One thing hasn’t changed. Those who were boring, misinformed, copycat children grow up to be boring, misinformed, copycat adults. If I look hard enough, I just know I’ll find my brothers in that mob.