Fred’s buddy is selling a big boat, but then, so is half of Florida. I went over there to create the craigslist ad to find out they have emplaced yet another round of security features. And are still being attacked by the flagbots. Instead of addressing the problem, they are trying to crack down on everybody. You know, like the thick-heads in DC who have developed an electricity meter that spies on you. They are arresting people who hand out Christian literature near mosques. That is an interesting bit of gabble, the police say the clerics are claiming the bible is anti-Islamic. Neither the police nor the clerics have any theory how the bible manages that considering it was written 306 years before Islam was invented.
The problem with craigslist is that they have designed the system to give the upper hand to those who want to destroy. Whenever I post an ad for a guitarist that states what I don’t want (egos, shredders, soloists or deadheads) the ad is flagged within minutes. Craigslist doesn’t realize that the people being flagged, although a minority, are smarter than your average bear. Sooner or later, the wrong person gets flagged. For instance, I pioneered most of the gang-flagging techniques that worked for almost five years. In 2009, Craigslist had to revamp their entire system because of me. I was in there re-directing the flags to the “best of” list for six months before they caught on.
The correct procedure is to allow one flag for one post. I used to flag four times, and post a fake listing saying anybody who flagged once would get instant results. Since they would be the fifth post, it appeared to work like magic most of the time. I also created the original clone copy where the buttons were ordinary pictures rather than hotspots. Then I’d post saying I had taken over their computer and disabled their mouse commands. Ah, the mayhem I caused that company. All because they would not target the flaggers. Owning an Internet outlet gave the advantage back to me. I have since tossed the torch to others.
Then over to Dave-O’s, who had been calling about his recorder not working. He was at it all day. It was a tricky thing; it took me almost 4.5 minutes to find the problem. He had somehow acquired a package of blank DVDs that had a thin layer of plastic wrap on the down side. Neither of us had seen that before. He’s back in business again. Why would anyone put a layer of plastic that was hard to see on a DVD? I’d normally have charged $80 for that callout.
I’m taking the evening off, sitting down with a good book. If I can still find one. Perogies. I had a craving for perogies, so I bought a package of twelve. Since these days I always read the ingredients, I see the box says the dozen constitutes “four servings”. Little do they know about perogies. Remember long ago I told you my record in one meal? Ah, you forgot. It was 36.
Later, I wound up reading until 2:00AM, but ask me anything about a 555 timer circuit now. Except what that CTRL pin is for. Nobody else seems to know, either.