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Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7, 2011

           Cancel my day trip, the rain waited for the weekend Seattle-fashion. The (Thursday) club meeting was called due to the flu which everyone has except me. Change that, I do have it but it isn’t affecting me as badly. I practiced assembly of a 555 circuit ten times (see photo) until I can do it by heart and went to Karaoke. Usually I’m a late arrival, but I got there first. I better tell you about that. True to my beliefs, I only do what I know by heart. I met with scowls.
           I neglected to spot the earlier Karaoke crowd was more aloof, more detached. One of my “live” tactics is to not even glance at the Karaoke screen. At first, a few spectators looked around for a hidden monitor, but after 30 seconds I met with icy stares. I find out later every person in the room was a local pro Karaoke who singer viewed my behavior as gung ho. They read lyrics, not memorize them. The latter is too much work.
           If today goes well until past the club meeting late this afternoon, I’m putting on some Old Spice and spending the evening in the bookstore. And after a third telephone call from Tallahassee, I believe the day and the month should go particularly fine. Things are looking good for me, not so good for the bad guys. Why Old Spice? Why not something really expensive? So the women won’t think I just got out of the army, Sunshine.
           Cancel even the bookstore, the streets are soaked. But chalk up one very successful meeting, we got assembly time on basic 555s from twenty minutes down to two. True, I know that I should paint the town and have some fun, but unless I’m on stage it is a waste of time in this town. I wonder where a person like me could otherwise do on a Friday. I made baked chicken and rice, so dining is out.
           Movies are pricey and no place to park the scooter. There’s the bookstore, where I have not met a woman in eleven years. Regardless of what you hear, this is not a good town for singles. There are plenty of places that take advantage of singles, but no real place to meet any quality. But, it’s hardly better anywhere else and I suppose that I only notice staying in because I again have money to go out whenever I want.
           Home, watching the weird DVD of the month, “Black Swan”. I thought it was a mystery, but it is a horror flick. It’s about a ballet dancer, and is written in that quaint post-1970 style where film doesn’t require any expensive set work, in this case, a dance studio. There must be a name for this type of hack writing, where a director makes a movie about directing, a producer makes a film about producing, and a stewardess is always on an airplane, never over at Barnes & Noble near the magazine rack.
           Anyway, it just seems to me if I was a lady looking to meet men, a book store would be prime hunting grounds. Especially if you time it for a Friday after work. You get to meet guys who can read and don’t head straight for the saloon. There are certain book sections you can avoid to increase your odds, for example, stay away from flower arranging, weight-lifting, and the English as a Second Language rack. Same goes for muscle cars, guns & ammo, and the self-help counter. The kind of men who hang out there are probably the reason you are single today, know what I’m sayin’?
           So that today’s entry won’t be too short, here is a photo of the activity at the re-scheduled club meeting tonight. You can see we are working on small circuits, usually single-purpose gadgets. We have no idea whether this is the correct learning path.