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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012

           I’m due over at Kiss for the morning crossword. We got us another mid-winter heat wave. Also, stay tuned tomorrow for my leap year review. I don’t always publish the results, but this year I may. I’ve been up since 6:00 AM, and blog rules say I have to tell why. Damn it, another heart twitter—but at the end of eight consecutive good days. That’s my little reminder that I’ll never work again.
           The solution is I take it easy, eat well, and wait it out. Waiting isn’t my favorite game. But my favorite breakfast sandwich is smoked herring, onion, and cream cheese. Trust me, this is as exciting as things will get today.
           Here is another healthy choice. When I tally up the ingredients and nutrition, Velveeta still wins. Not regular Kraft slices. Shown here, with my salad and canned fish. Yes, I like anchovies. Fish is the only canned meat I consume regularly and I’m fussy about quality and Omega-3.
           Ray-B called about Wyoming’s proposed survival plan for when the federal government collapses. Landlocked Wyoming’s plan includes buying an aircraft carrier. So they can project their power to, um, Utah maybe. Provided they park it right on the state border. My question remains how much longer can the US dollar and the credit economy last? The Dow-Jones is soaring while house prices are still falling. Where is the money coming from? Something has to give.
           How about a round of 40% inflation? Let’s see, that would stabilize house prices and put bread at $5.30 per loaf, milk at $3.90 per quart. And $6,300,000,000 for the aircraft carrier. Those on a fixed income of $2,000 monthly would see purchasing power drop to $1,600. But that would not stop the problem, as there is no incentive for people or government to change their habits. I’ve been considering holding some foreign cash. The easiest one would be the Canadian dollar. The loonie has been sliding downward for ten years. Hint: Hotels and airports can be places to get foreign currency, but be prepared to pay a fee.
           The only advertised open mic in the area is Studio 84, and I thought about heading over there tonight. Then, I said no, the show commences at 9:00 PM and it is 15 miles from here. Driving home after dark isn’t a great idea. Next I looked at coffee houses. Nothing except the beachfront either. I either have to move or get better transportation. I decided to give my ticker an extra day off and stay right here at home. Another indicator I’m having a heart session is an increased thirst for milk. By the quart.
           In a rare comment on the future other than my financial speculations, on March 9 I’m finally getting another eye test. That’s one every ten years or so, the fact is my vision has not changed one iota since the day I went myopic at age 11. That’s correct, in one day, my vision went for a dump. I had a paper route and would walk east along a particular street. One day the far end was fuzzy, just like that. My vision has gotten neither better or worse since then.
           I’m clearing more space for recording. No more storage inside, even the printer paper is going out to the shed. This place is too small. I need a huge place I can mess up. But every time I want to do something, I have to clear an area, which means putting stuff where it will get in my way the next time, the vicious circle. In that sense, it’s like being poor. I’ve got shelves in the shed, though I should cough up the dough and put a real work bench in there.
           That's about as interesting as I can make a day of being cooped up inside alone.