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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012

           Here’s your LearJet charter prices, one way. That works out to $1,700 per passenger, or about three times Delta/Southwest first class. Florida isn’t your powerhouse of effective politicians, sports champions, or industrial backbone. It’s more a third world cluster of upholstery shops, tire repair, and boob clinics. So my question is can anyone name me a single legitimate business around here that requires such rapid personal contact with New York City? With the emphasis on “legitimate”?
           Agt. M is in Georgia for a few more weeks, but he reports there is a Fry’s outlet nearby. Haven’t seen one of those in years, we’re talking fifteen years, or about as long as I’ve been in Florida. However, a romp through their site notifies me their prices are as biting as Radio Shack. Again, the problem with these places is their outdated business models. They can’t adapt to the lean and mean strain being forced upon us by cheap Asian imports.

           For example, the IC “chip” I alluded to y’day was $5.19, where the same product is listed on-line for 26 cents. I bought the local chip because once you add shipping plus the inconvenience and profiling of web shopping, well, you get the idea. Americans love to sell fewer products at higher prices because they are lazy and it is far less work to super-size everything than work hard moving bulk quantities.
           And that’s how I’m approaching the Blues riffs—in bulk. Listening between the notes, I’ve detected a common theme to how guitarists pick the boxes. When learning, it is quantity over quality. There is also a science to how the lead break, as opposed to noodling behind the singer, builds to an upper note series of triplets and finger patterns. Unlike a bass solo, the lead solo rarely relies on real innovation for the novelty or effect. Instead, look for distortion, facial expressions, and leaning backwards as far as possible. I’m still a beginner, but I think it safe to say it has all been done, so let’s do it again.

           Over morning coffee, I heard about tummy tuck prices dropping considerably, down to the $3,500 range. That’s in contract to up to $9,000 at upscale South Beach clinics. This was all during a general discussion of laser treatments, such as eye, vein, and now Zerona, which uses laser to break the fat cell walls (don’t quote me). My nurse points out that these fat cells are then eliminated through the urine. I didn’t know that, but it factually coincides with what I think should happen to fat cells.
           Good news bad news time. Let it be known I go to Karaoke for one specific reason and that is to meet younger women. Anybody who thinks differently is just getting in my way. I have a system and I know it is my second number that gets the gal. The first song is my icebreaker. I show up early because it is in my own best interests to minimize the gap between both tunes. Women listen better when they see me the second time.

           Tonight I met a slinky brunette. She came to stageside and hugged me full frontal after my opening tune. But I needed to peel her away from the two dudes she was with, for her to come to my table. So imagine my disappointment to find out the Karaoke pending list was not first come first serve, but whoever hasn’t been up yet. The drunk who just rolled in gets his turn before you, even if you’ve been waiting. Later, when I ran my own Karaoke, I learned the logic of this. If you let walk-ins up right away, they'll stay and wait their second turn. I'm learning.
           Well, Whiskey Tango, I’m not there to pick up Mabel after last call. I’m competing against men half my age who have money. I learned to sing to meet women and I don’t appreciate any added obstacles from the hired help. I finally gave up after twenty bucks and an hour and a half. Would I recommend that club to meet women? No. To get drunk, sure why not, it’s a bar. But right now I can’t think of any other reason for singles to go there.
           For the record, I had a quick conversation with the DJ concerning the above, but it was the more astonishing that the look on his face gave away he was hearing a point of view like mine for the first time in his entire life. Duh, okay. On that priceless basis alone, I may give this club another chance.

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