She’s 91 degrees out there. Let me check something. Yep, that’s somewhat cooler on average than Burma (Yangon), the only other country on earth still using Fahrenheit. It’s so hot, I stayed indoors and read the Craigslist musician page. Here’s a new species I discovered, I call it the “Florida Stealth Palm”. It's what happens here when you lead a horticulture.

Know thy economics. There is a persistent misconception in this country that once you catch up, you can work even harder and get ahead. That is dumb. Once you catch up, you still devote 99% of your energy to staying caught up. Or you wake up in the dust by tomorrow. Just me, reminding everyone why education is important. So you can use brains instead of time and energy to tread water.
I just stepped outside, then right back into the shade. How hot out there? Well, I’m watching “Wicker Man”, possibly the worst Nicolas Cage movie of eternity. That’s how hot. Can’t say the same for the hippie girl in the movie. Why there were ten women hotter than her in my graduating class, I know my hippie chicks. I think the movie was a stab at privately owned islands or something.
Me, with no camera. As I biked past the casino last evening, I found the roadway blocked by protestors. No biggie until I saw the line of police in riot gear. I cleared out fast, no pictures. Turns out it concerns union organizers, them saying it was their right, the casino saying okay but not that particular “mafia-owned” union. There were 23 arrests.
I’m still playing a slow game of Lexulous, the Facebook word game. I’m up against a professional and should be losing, but I’m not. She seems stuck in second gear, missing contemporary usages like “typo”, or “legit”, where word-solving apps don’t help. She also plays the highest scoring word each round, even if it leaves her vulnerable. On the other hand, she’s become very cautious later in the game where I tend to shine.
Next, we get a flood warning and the roads are blocked off. I can’t make life interesting when that happens. Really, I can’t. So I stayed home and kept busy like anyone else cooped up for the day. You know what I mean. I learned some Blues, electronics, read up onlaser medicine, more bass, wrote the blog, my e-mails, updated my books, made plans for Colorado, relaxed, had my morning coffee, followed my silver, gold, and real estate, did my reading and baked a meatloaf. Generally what anyone stuck home would do. Anything but watch TV.
What did I learn today? That 4516 chip caused some hand-wringing, especially when I found out there is a 4510 that works right. Why do so many examples use the 16 when it is unsuitable for real counting? Beats me, but I’m beginning to make sense of the system and I’ve devised but not tested a way I could use a logic chip to force the 16 to stop counting at 10. Thanks to nobody for all that I had to learn on my own.
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